Has anybody SORN their vehicle during Coronavirus? We’ve got 2 cars and mine hasn’t moved for 2 weeks as we’ve just been using my wife’s car. The insurance on mine is due in the next couple of weeks and I’m thinking of SORNing it to save some money. As I understand it you can’t not have insurance unless you SORN it. Would be interested to hear anyone’s experience of it?
Fairly straightforward to do online using V5(logbook) as I remember. Think it takes a few days to go through online so you won't be able to tax it again straightaway, assume that wouldn't be a issue (only a problem if you are just taking it off road for a few days) As pointed out it does have to be on private land. And of course if it gets nicked you aren't insured.
Haven't experienced it under the current conditions but did it last year when it made financial sense to let the insurance elapse on my current car rather than switch it to the new one (second hand) I'd got. It was very simple and I actually found the DVLA website very helpful. Just remember a SORN vehicle has to be off the road.
If you have no intention of using it put it on SORN. If your tax doesn't run out for a while you'll get a refund. It's all straightforward on gov.uk(driving and transport section). Like others have said, your vehicle will need to be on private land if you SORN it.
Thanks. If I want to put it back on the road in a few weeks time can I do that immediately or does that take a few days too?
No its immediate, just takes a few days for the system to update so it won't let you keep swapping that's all. As soon as you do it and get insurance you are good to go.
When a family member went abroad to work I SORNed his car when his insurance ran out and kept it in a private garage, when he returned I took the V5 to the Post Office at Pogmoor (who do road tax) and just paid the tax, this was instant and your back on the road as long as ya renewed your insurance on the same day.....
It's still insured, no point cancelling it with only 2 months to renewal (not that you can anyway as call centre not open). But i'll have a look nearer the time, thanks mate