Despite OP's attempts at obfuscation, this original post was actually boastful and attempt to gloat about something that hadn't actually been achieved. This is what the conservative party expects of its adherents. Shameful really considering the context. Spreading propaganda to cover a demonsrably inadequate ressponse to a pandemic. Save your "doing everything we can" or "guided by the science" or "country's best interests at heart" Boris was shaking hands with covid patients in hospital on 3rd March. Boast about that much?
If Labour had won the election before Christmas I don't think they'd have handled this outbreak much better than the Tories. Maybe they'd have started a lockdown earlier, maybe they wouldn't have. Its easy to say you would when you aren't the one making the decision. But overall I don't think they'd have done much better. The testing would have been just as inadequate. We'd still have been massively too short of ppe, not enough beds or ventilators and nowhere near enough nurses. Who's fault is that? It isn't the current government in this exact form, it isn't Boris the prime minister's fault but it IS the fault of Tory cuts and decisions taken previously and Boris and his mates did have a say in what happened. They were happy to be a part of a party who prioritised Brexit and protecting the rich over protecting the vulnerable for years. Why can't we do enough tests? Because the tories, despite repeated warnings, chose not to make sure we had the capacity to do them. Why hasn't Boris magically made nurses appear? Because the tories allowed numbers to dwindle. Why hasn't Boris magically made PPE appear? Because the tories elected not to buy enough in readiness for an emergency. Why aren't there enough beds or ventilators? Because the tories made cuts. You can excuse Boris for many things he's done NOW but you can't excuse him or his cronies for what they collectively have done for years. Its those actions that have led to this situation and be under no illusions that Boris, Hancock, pritty and all the others were part of that party. They made those decisions then and we are suffering the consequences of them now.
Can criticise all you want and who you want. But need to be aware that Mads tries his best to his ability. If you can do better so it. Would love to hear your album, or watch your movie
I've never been to the moon but if Buzz Aldrin tries going up there tomorrow in a wheelie bin with a firework attached to it I'll quite happily post on here that he's doing it wrong.
What is typical and comical are the responses to anybody who has a different political opinion to the hardcore ultra partisan posters on here. The usual insults and sneering comments from those who believe that there is only one point of view that is acceptable and worthy of debate. The narrow minded, entrenched tribalism from a core of posters on here makes any kind of balanced and reasoned debate almost impossible because objectivity just doesn't exist. Being so angry and full of blind hate and intolerance for a different point of view is rife in political posts and is the very antithesis of a platform from which balanced debate can take place. For the record I have voted Labour and Tory, I am a stereotypical floating voter so I have no dog in the political race, at least not now Corbyn has gone. I don't ever froth at the mouth when discussing politics, I try to see the other point of view no matter how much I disagree and I have never called someone a **** or a **** or thick because they disagree with me. In my opinion one loses the argument as soon as personal insults are used.
Perhaps the reason why press support is that they are happy with a free market economy. Allowing them to YES make a profit, allowing them to employ people, who pay taxes, who then spend it, paying VAT etc. Or is it because they understand the consequences of socialism and state owned business, state controlled press. Maybe you should look for a bulletin board in Russia or North Korea , or consider moving there
I said the argument can **** off, not you. Yes, we do live in a democracy. Meaning you can say whatever you think about the powers that be. They work for us, part and parcel of being in power is constant scrutiny. Unless you live in North Korea/a dictatorship.
State controlled press lol, we have it now, No I’m not a Communist, I like Socialism, it’s quite different you know do Read up. Socialism, spending money on Public Servicesand the State in general is what’s happening big time at the moment, do keep up Boflake
Criticising? They’re lying! 100,000 people tested each day is simply a lie! It’s good that there is more & more testing (about time!) but no need to lie about it! Not sure the “experts” (or some of them) have been right - “herd immunity” anyone?
The OP created this thread, and posted in a gloating, smug, and condescending manner. That was my reaction when I read it. Possibly he didn't check his facts before posting, because the government missed their self proclaimed target by a country mile, then lied about it He surely can't have been surprised at the angry reaction on here
The thing is though, it's just the huge growing frustration of debating with someone who clearly in either on a massive wind up or is being arsehole. If I was sat in the pub next to someone behaving in this manner, trying to ask them a question that they kept dodging - you'd tell them how daft they are. So I see no difference in doing it this way. And as were all bored out of our skins, these debates become circular.
Different opinions are allowed no matter how much you disagree with them. My personal rule for posting on the internet is that I would never say anything to somebody online that I would not say to their face.