No I wouldn't deliberately be a WUM online or in real life - I don't see the point. I do often find myself as a political pariah on here and while the robust responses I get don't really bother me personally (I'm an ex soldier and very thick skinned) I do think some of the responses to posts are beyond the pale.
Many said that politics should not be brought up in this virus situation, but how do you stop politicians doing what they have done for years, to get one over the opposition by any means. Fake news has been bandied about for years now with nothing really left to believe. We just have our opinions because facts dont seem to be believed anymore but celeb status does. Divide and conquer, thats what we have despite a lot of folk trying like hell to unite us once more.
Ok thanks for info. In preparation for garden centres opening can you tell me the name of the tree that money grows on please ? Must be one somewhere, or does it come from big businesses and entrepreneurs who employ millions of people resulting in tax, NI contributions both employees and employers, increased spending bringing in VAT and duty. Branson is just one that gets criticised for living on an island, but how much money has his businesses contributed to economy over the years
There you have it - tax and squeeze these major contributors to economy that much it’s no longer worth it and they go elsewhere. Great plan, now where’s the money tree ?
I agree you cannot talk to someone who can’t see the woods for the trees. Goes off on tangents.1st it was numbers. Then liars. Then no one else would have done better. I try not to get involved in a slagging match. But still waiting for a reasonable reply to my liar accusations he gave.
Was it a lie ? They stated the number and confirmed what that represented, how many were done, how many were sent out, how many were duplicates- so please confirm the lie ? I have opinions, everyone else has theirs and often these differ and leave room for debate. The problem here is that some people criticise based on party lines, criticise every action and comment. Debate is fine, and welcome. Personal attacks, veiled and obvious threats of violence to someone with a different view is quite frankly when the argument falls down. Some people misunderstood me- if they are that clever and have the answers then put it to the test and run for office. Let the UK vote for their beliefs- ....... like they did in December. I dread to think what would have happened in this current crises if that election had gone a different way.
Your original post was clearly made on party lines. Don't try to treat people like idiots by supposing it wasn't. Once you'd made that statement you're fair game for the partisan responses you got. As for the actual reaching of the 100k target. Well it's laughable isn't it? They just bunged 40k tests in the post. If anyone met the target it could plausibly be credited to Royal Mail.
Well do it yourself then, build up a multi million pound business and hand all the profits back to government
Simple...the target was 100000 people per day tested.....the number tested was 73000. They said they had hit their target, that was a lie.