Anyone know how or when the yorkshire bank ended up being on the corner that it's currently on in peel square when the now paddy paddy building across is the Yorkshire bank building?
Just done some research. Could have done that before I asked really right? The paddy power building wasn't the Yorkshire bank it was the Yorkshire PENNY bank which was a different thing. The Yorkshire bank building was originally the coach and horses pub and converted to a bank in 1912. Great year.
Random titanic story. Two young children survived the sinking and their photo was circulated in the press trying to find out who they were. Turns out they were french and had been kidnapped by their father (who drowned) who planned on taking them to America. It was only the sinking that led to them being reunited with their family.
The Paddy power was the Yorkshire Penny then a Yorkshire Bank for a while . There were three Yorkshire Banks in Barnsley TC at one point . The one that is now , the Paddy Power one then the one at side of Alhambra centre . The Paddy power one was let to Yorkshire Building Society before but have now moved to the Old Barnsley Building Society Building in MayDay Green which YBS took over after financial crash around 2010 I think .
So at one point there were two Yorkshire bank's directly across from each other? I never knew that. The one at the side of Alhambra is a right eyesore. The Yorkshire bank designers must have been blind.
Yeah the two were nearly together but if I recall I don’t think you could use either or,I think you had to use the one you’d joined but could be wrong on that , but I do recall going into one and being told to use the other branch .
I think but not 100% that the branches came about after British Coal moved to paying wages into banks . There had been a voluntary move to this but many miners still opted for the pay at colliery . Probably end of eighties if I remember they made it compulsory and many miners chose Yorkshire bank and that’s why they could open three Branches , There were many miners who hadn’t accounts at this time and I was one of them , never had a current account till British Coal made it compulsory .
The eye sore ex YB on New Street gained a design award when it was first built, I'm led to believe. This saved it from demolition/ integration with the Alhambra Centre when that was being developed in the mid/late 1980s.
It was Coach and Horses 1822-1911 1912-1929 London City Midland Bank 1929-1970 Westminster Bank 1970-1981 National Westminster Bank 1982-1985 Vacant 1986 onwards Yorkshire Bank.
If your interested in any of the historic buildings I'd recommend the Barnsley Streets books, it shows a lot of the grand buildings in the town centre - a few were wrecked in the 60s/70s but most survived that period.
I has something similar with Santander when it took over Alliance and Lester in Pontefract. I couldn't use the Santander that used to be Abbey National in the Market Place but I could only use the Santander that used to be Alliance and Lester on Horsefair until that closed and I had to use the one that used to be the Abbey National.
I think at the time there weren’t many Banks or Building society’s in town just the usual household names Barclays , Nat West , Halifax etc. Yorkshire Bank moved in at just the right time I think as industries were moving to paying wages in Banks. Most Banks in town were mainl used for businesses and buisness men and Savings/mortgages etc . As the Coal industry and others moved to paying into banks lots were opening Current accounts which were a new thing in those days as we were used to pay packets on Fridays . This was one of the reasons Banks and Building society’s sprung up also the right to buy was introduced round about this time so mortgages were well on the up as most folk in lower wage bracket rented and up to that time it was mainly collected from your premises by rent man (shintin) lol. Writing a cheque in them days was the equivalent of contactless today lots couldn’t get the hang of it . Nowadays it’s normal to be paid in bank and monthly rather than weekly pay but in those days cash was still king .
My first job, between A levels and Uni, was at Yorkshire Bank (Paddy Power branch) in 1986. Barnsley player Paul Cross (Charlie) used to come in and pay his salary in by cheque.
I have two of them, that l got the above info from. The latest one l got for the Kindle for about a quid but view it throw the ipad kindle app so it's in colour. You can drop on them on Amazon at good prices.
No the Yorkshire penny was the Tommy Wallocks pub I don’t think the paddy power was the Yorkshire penny .