My niece as had symptoms where she had a nasty cough and struggling breathing so she rang her GP who Got her an emergency appointment at Kendray oaks park for test.. the person she saw didn’t mention any covid test and told her she’s probably fine and it’s more than likely just a chest infection and gave her a antibiotics...roll forward a few hours and she’s currently in hospital unable to breath unaided at its looking like she’s got coronavirus (to be fair that’s unconfirmed but she’s felt it was serious enough to take herself to hospital)I know they do a brilliant job but surely at these important times certain symptoms should be looked at more seriously, they told her that because her husband is classed as front line (he’s works at ATS tyres) then he can have the test but she not eligible..
Hope she's OK mate. Agree with everything you said. I absolutely don't want to knock the NHS either, but in this situation I think you have a right to express your views. Everyone realises you understand the pressure everyone is under and you're talking about a specific case, on a specific day at a specific time, and you're absolutely allowed to do that. If it's any consolation mate, I've had covid-19 and come through it, and you've seen first hand what a fk*cing state I'm in at the best of times. That she's your niece suggests she's relatively young and all the evidence shows she's therefore got the very best chance of a very good outcome. While you're obviously worrying, keep that in mind.
Out of interest, Jay (I'm not knocking or doubting you in the slightest here, I'm just wondering) did you get tested and confirmed COVID?
Cheers Jay, I didn’t realise you’d had it mate, really glad you’re ok pal, I think the NHS are doing an amazing job and I know hopefully it’s an isolated case that’s slipped through the net but it’s still bloody annoying, family members did tell her to go straight up to the hospital but she was reluctant at first, luckily like you say she’s young so fingers crossed all will be ok.
I wasn't admitted to hospital, so no test, so I should really caveat what I wrote with 'suspected'. In the middle of a pandemic, I guess I could have contracted a different virus that produced many of the same symptoms. I think that's unlikely, so hence I didn't bother with the suspected. I will probably never know, other than having all the symptoms for two weeks in April 2020 when the UK peaked in terms of Covid-19 infection and then not having them again.
Hope she's going to be alright. This is the issue with loosening the lockdown as everyone should be eligible for a Covid test when they show signs, if for no other reason just to make sure so if they do have it they can receive treatment straight away instead of being fobbed off and having to wait for symptoms to worsen.
Hope your niece is OK Roy lad healing thought's sent... It certainly hits home when it's close at home... Earlier this afternoon I found out from my neighbour (aged 85) who I've known since I was a kid that her youngest son who's a paramedic has now been tested and confirmed he's caught it.. Along with his crew mate both families now in quarentine... Going to be a long 14 days for them
Awful news mate hope she’s alright . There’s good and bad in all organisations they really should have double checked with the symptoms she had . Another ninety nine point nine percent of the nurses probably would have done .you just dropped on a bad in by sounds .