Despite all the clamour for the return of the Premier league what happens if some players refuse to it breach of contract ? Does the club have to put 11 players out no matter what ?......lot of assumption that their all ready and raring to go..may not be the case
I’d say irrelevant as there’s no chance of conclusion of this season, behind closed doors or otherwise
I can take un-paid leave: they probably can too I'd suspect if they cited anxieties around covid etc.
Though there is still no confirmed date, I have been told that when I return to work, it shall be on a ‘100% voluntary basis’ which basically translates to ‘get back to work, but as we technically haven’t forced you, don’t be taking legal action if you fall ill as a result’. I can see that being the standard approach amongst employers whether you be a welder or Raheem Sterling.
they could do so on H&S grounds. Control measures would probably state they wore PPE and remained 2 metres apart from other players whilst on the pitch so unless this was implemented could through their union ask for an inspection from then HSE to ensure these measures were being met and if they were not a prohibition notice could be issued. I suspect they would take this route.
Yep, agree. Club might try to play breach of contract card, but even if H&S passed training, can’t see how they could pass a match situation.
I can’t see how they can possibly be forced to play when it’s a risk to theirs and their family’s lives. Football means absolutely zero if it’s going to kill some poor bugger by putting safety below profit.
It's not a rule its advice. The official guidance for factories and warehouses is "where practical to do so" Can't speak for other sectors but that is what has been briefed out at all the sites I'm involved in who have stayed open throughout.
In my experience, speaking about our place and where my son works, social distancing in manufacturing is non existent. Management may peddle the advice but it’s difficult to maintain and people simply aren’t doing it.
Fair summary. I can't name companies but some are making a effort and some aren't with the ones I deal with. But even the ones making a effort it's still impossible to achieve in all areas.
From information shared with unions by the Govt there will still be an element of social distancing even if it’s reduced.
Already gone if you ask me. The shelf stackers in Asda get closer to me than Mads Anderson ever could.
It's not my area to be honest I can only tell you what I have seen. The government guidelines say social distancing should be implemented but if it's not practical to do so then don't have to. Some of the sites are trying, plastic sheets and screens being used to separate people for example. But these have to cleaned regularly so the people cleaning them are at risk too. If you implemented social distancing production would stop. Guess which choice has been taken?
indeed though at the opposite end of the spectrum as someone who PMs building sites we are adhering to all social distancing and have implemented stuff like Infra red scanning on some sites that prevents people entering site if their temperature is above a certain level so guess it depends on the employer and their values.
I have to admit that despite the social distancing not been observed, our company do check temperatures every day and have done for some weeks now.
The whole thing is going to get out of hand if they allow football to resume. Every sport will expect the same.
Meanwhile in the sane world - an Austrian/German company I do a lot of consultancy for have published their guidance as staff are returning to work All staff are to strictly adhere to keeping 1.5m from others at all times. Masks (company provided) must be worn in all common areas - corridors etc - staff still asked to work from home where possible and face to face meetings are still banned. anyone not obeying risks being expelled from the premises. There have been seperate communications about increased cleaning etc. I am sure some companies in the UK will do the same but others who seem to value their staff less are much less likely to do so. They do production and am sure they will keep to the rules ( some of it is fairly easy to be fair as its in clean rooms where the staff always had to wear masks gloves and full body suits to prevent them contaminating the products - but not all production is done like that).