Hopefully not because we'll see how ludicrous it is to try and award teams a finishing place with so many games to go. I don't see how you can promote or relegate anyone. That's why I don't understand the notion that we might have no relegation from the Premier League but WBA Leeds go up? Makes zero sense to me.
I think they can afford to use a common sense approach in a few cases. Liverpool for example - there's barely any doubt that they're winning the title, so give it to them. Leeds are 7 points clear, so it would be q bigger injustice to deprive them of that than it is to deprive Fulham of the chance to catch them. Tolouse at 10 points ehind can't really complain. Amiens have cause to complain, and I personally wouldn't relegate them. Being generous to promotion teams and not relegating anyone seems a good way to go to me - the only teams feeling hard done by will be those in 3rd-4th places.
This Premier League notion that "the season will be played out with no relegation" ........ I just can't fathom. It means there will literally be nothing to play for. In that case I'd rather them chalk fook on it rather than this palava of dragging teams to 10 designated venues to play out a series of nothing games, with no fans present. Is it still the case that money talks, even with all this going on?
I agree that it would be unfair for certain teams to stay up/ go down but equally I don't think you can pick and choose who gets what on a case by case basis like you are suggesting. There needs to be some method to it if taking that approach. I would null and void the entire season personally, as harsh that may be for the likes of Liverpool. I can't see any other way around it.
Not sure what the rush is to resume / cancel the season. Just restart football where it was left off when it's right to do so. Then figure out what to do about the scheduling of the next two seasons ahead of a winter world cup.
If I was an Amiens fan I would be feeling well and truly shafted as well - the same as if Charlton are relagated. Its not strictly fair if we and Burton are relegated but both of us would probably go down I think Hull are more likely to take the 3rd spot but you cant relagate a side outside the bottom 3 If we cant complete the season - and its looking less and less possible the 2 sensible options are abandon it - which is harsh on the sides at the top or this compromise where the top 2 are promoted but no relegation
Most of the comments are made from the direction that football is a sport, and that sport, and fair play is everything. However, football is a business and it is run under business principles, with profit and loss being essential components to the decision-making process. The problem is that when there are financial consequences to every decision, those decisions have to be taken from the correct legal perspective, because sure as eggs is eggs, if they are not, the courts are going to be involved. Any club that believes it has suffered an unfair financial loss is going to apply to the courts to set that right. In those circumstances, the logic is that clubs are allowed to take advantage of any possible financial profit that they think they might have been entitled to, but no club suffers any financial punishment because of the uncertainty of the remaining outcome of the season. It makes perfect sense, to me at least, that the number of teams in the Premier League is increased by two. The number of teams in the Championship would be unaffected because there would be no relegation and two teams would be promoted from League 1. Of course, this solution does not rule out a legal challenge from any Championship/League 1 team that thinks it has lost out though the process, but there is no absolutely perfect solution, only one that seeks to be as fair to all as is reasonable. The need to play games, behind closed doors if necessary is driven by the fact that SKY will not pay over TV rights to Premier League teams if games have not been played. TV monies dwarf all other sources of revenue, and the loss of almost a quarter of their revenue for a season is going to leave a huge hole in Premier League balance sheets.
7 points clear is nothing Two losses and a draw. No leeds dont deserve to go up as it stands, particularly bearing in mind they have struggled to score, Bamford has been crap and they would be facing teams like us that should be scrapping for our lives. They messed it up last year after all.
I agree with you and @Redhelen . No matter how many computer simulations and expert panels, one simply cannot know whether Luton would go on a run of 5 wins or if Leeds would draw every remaining match. That's the beauty of football ........ unknown scenario right up til the fat lady sings. Lord only knows what would have happened to Barnsley if Covid-19 had voided the season in December 2015!! And we all know what happened after! Voiding the season will break some fans hearts whilst others breath a sigh of relief, yet it is the fairest scenario I can think of.
Spot on. Forget sporting integrity, stuff the health and welfare of the participants (all of them), never mind the massive extra strain caused to the emergency services. This is all about money. And Greed. This is what happens when you sell your soul to the devil, and the warnings were there with the ITV debacle.
There is no perfect solution but the notion of 2 promotions and no relegations seems the best compromise. It’s surely better way than when footy came to a full stop in war time and Arsenal bribed their way into the top flight. However if football is frozen out for very much longer this discussion will become redundant because of the number of clubs folding will require a complete restructuring of the league system.