Are oddly the 3 Things that I’m least thinking about at the moment!! Holidays, football and going to a pub. Whilst I’ve had the odd over the above over the last 6 weeks I’ve not particularly pined for anyone of them, I mais think they will be the last 3 things I hat come back into the public domain too, my attentions are now focuses on going back to work and what is likely to happen when we do return. Is anyone else not missing the above and why?
Football and pub equal socailising and as for holidays well i wish i was 21 but im retired so i suppose every days a holiday.
I’ve definitely missed holidays Rob, we should have been in Ibiza now and I’ve missed meeting friends for a beer...but football, nar I’ve not missed it in the slightest pal
I miss our grandchildren, being able to hold them, cuddle them, play with them. Football? Not in the slightest.
I miss being able to have family get together's and enjoy a few drinks. My parents haven't seen George since before lock down began. I miss horse racing though and I'm still scratching my head as to why it couldn't continue behind closed doors as it has in Australia, Hong Kong and the United States.
We had a holiday in February but should be going again soon (and already missed a weekend away), what’s bothering me most about that is that I can’t see when international travel will be safe again. definitely missing the pub, don’t go that often, but I’m a social animal. also missing football, even though it’s been crap most of the season, I don’t go alone, it’s a social thing and like I say, I’m a social animal. But I'd give up holidays and football forever to spend time with the kids and grandkids
I miss being able to see family and friends most - though Zoom has helped with the seeing bit Missing going out for long walks and games of golf and active keep fit sessions etc Missing holidays - would have been skiing last month and be going to France in June - I alway have a holiday booked to look forwards to but currently I dont really have one to look forwards to. Am booked away for New Year but not counting that as I am not yet convinced it will happen - though I really hope it does as if not that will be a whole year without Pubs - only miss due to not socialising - and having to cook every night can live without them for a while if I can meet elsewhere Football - not really on the register - if I could have everything else back but have to forgo football for ever I'd take it in a heartbeat
I don't think Barnsley F.C being ***** at this moment in time helps regarding football. Whenever we're ***** I get a downer on football anyway. That said I'm not missing it one bit.
Whilst watching the reds is obviously way down the list of priorities, I have still missed it. Also missed, Plans scrapped/ cancelled for my 60th birthday on the 29th last week, include Family meal out ( turned the option down for a big ‘do’) weekend away, then holiday abroad later in May. No big night out with work colleagues. As long as I can look back on this and think, thank goodness they were the sum of all my personal/ family low points during this Pandemic, I think I will have got away quite lucky
Honestly I’m not that bothered about missing the footy, I think this lockdown has made me realise what’s important. Went to have a look at social media of a few of our players to see what they’d been up to & was struggling to remember names after Mowatt, Woodrow, Chaplin & Dougall. I feel like the season should finish. Either voiding it or taking the standings as they are doesn’t seem fair but as the days go by it feels less important. I miss family more than anything & the only footy I’m really missing is playing 5 a side a couple of times a week & having a laugh with my mates. Also we’re getting through loads of good box sets at the minute. One good thing about been a big footy fan that watches footy a few days / nights a week is that I’ve now got loads of good stuff to watch where as I’ve got mates moaning about how bored they are. Spending time with our baby instead of been at work is nice, with the weather been good we’ve been able to get out most days where as we might have managed one a week as a family in normal circumstances. The obvious downside been that it’s really tough that her grandparents can’t see her.
For some reason we never got round to booking a summer holiday this year, usually we do it early and have all the fun and anticipation.
I've realised I'm more sociable than I thought I was. I'd always thought of myself as a bit like Jimmy Viz and generally hating people. I really miss the banter and companionship of my work mates. We have a Zoom meeting regularly but it's not the same as taking the p*ss in person or having a pint after work. The thought of not having a break in sun this year isn't an appealing on and I really miss just "popping" to the shop for things. Fancy a few beers in front of the TV - head to the nearby Asda, grab some cans and come home - not now. Queue outside for half hour to get in - ah screw it, it's not worth it. Fancied doing a meal last night, needed some chillies - nope - not worth the queues again just for some chillies. Having that freedom back will be nice when it comes around.