Get Brexit Done and be damned about anything else . This from their own Rags.
I voted Conservative and I work in the NHS. The Conservatives have been in power since 2010 and I'm still in a job and my pay has gone up. What I don't like is how the government had dealt with this outbreak it's been a shower to be honest. However, I don't see how any other political party could have handled things differently because the majority of them **** in the same pot.
I would think any leader of any party would have done a better job at the start, but we will never know because the country put there faith in this ********.
Tbf your first point is the reality the last point is hypothetical . It’s really immaterial what any other political party would have done it’s what the Tories failed to do . It took three budgets before Sunak (instructed by BJ and DC) got the severity of the situation with the hindsight and advice from countries dealing with it ignored . Ignored to the point he was bungling around hospitals shaking hands etc even though health workers in China ,Italy and Spain were dying .
Whether you like her politics or not, Nicola Sturgeon has done every COVID press conference in Scotland. Our PM seems to be ducking out at any opportunity.
Of course it’s immaterial. The Labour Party put an unelectable at the helm. So we’ll never know how Mr Corbyn would have sat on the fence in the same situation... I don’t think the conservatives have handled the situation well. But this is not one where the “told you so’s” can have a pop. No party was ready for this, as you’ve said before the world wide economic crash and following recession wasn’t labours fault.... you can’t have it all ways, just because it fits your agenda.
Whilst I dont agree with how the NHS has been treated by the Tories over the last 10 years hard to argue with the above I really am not convinced this is a party political issue its a competence of politicians issue. I honestly think that Teresa May and her Cabinet would have handled this a lot better than Boris and his team. Margaret Thatcher - though I disagreed with her on almost everything would have handled it far better, so would Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Had Corbyn been elected I have no idea but you can hardly accuse him of p1ssing in the same pot at Boris and Raab so I cant accept your second point
No they weren’t ready but they should have been. The news from other countries were clear to everyone . The steps were taken in other countries to test and trace the WHO were telling the British govts to test and trace . The fact the Tories treat it as a joke withBumbling Boris and his dad and the inept Ministers . The statement of the Tories haven’t handled it well is a massive massive understatement and the only response is the hypothetical excuse is to point at other party’s .
I'd be surprised if your pay genuinely has gone up in real terms when you take inflation etc into account. Not a pop at you, just not what I've read about our pay "increase".
Marlon - are you a closet Tory? What all politicians dread is not to be mentioned/listened to. Praise them - criticise them - but don't ignore them. Every time you post an anti-Tory post it gives oxygen to the Tory party. You can convince us the Tories are load of w****** but what you don't seem to have grasped is that the consequence of that is NOT everyone will automatically vote labour. Why do you never talk up our leader Keith Starmer or the new front Bench?
I think you deserve better. I think there's a few issues - had Labour won the election they'd have been dealt a dud hand in so much that they'd have been stuck with 10 years of Tory cuts. There's only so much mitigation you can do in a couple of months. However I'd have thought Labour would have reacted faster and Corbyn wouldnt have risked his life shaking hands with Covid patients. This is all the Tories making. And if you haven't got your health, what have you got, eh?
So if a ship hits the rocks and sinks with all hands it’s OK because all captains piss in the same pot? They’ve captained this ship for 10 years and paid little attention to it’s maintenance and when it hit the rocks and fell apart they aren’t responsible? Still as long as you’re in a job and your pay’s gone up that’s OK. 30/40:50 thousand dead, who knows what the correct figure is? Chances are it’s the biggest in Europe and second biggest in the world. Unknown numbers of your own colleagues have died due to incompetence in providing PPE. Still as long as we’ve got that incorrigible fellow Johnson rather than that awful Corbyn chap every thing is as good a as it could be. For f**** sake.
Bank of England just announced that the economy will shrink by 30% as a result of Covid 19 with the highest unemployment figures last seen in the 1700's and the deepest recession on record.