I’m not doing it for the Labour Party ! What’s so hard to understand I’m so angry at this inept bunch of comics that I want to post my personal feelings towards them ? I’m genuinely not doing party political broadcasts as you seem to think I am . Yes I’m in the Labour Party but it’s not because I’m labour that I hate these too hats it’s because of their blatant uncaring self important country ruining policies . I’m posting on the things that make my blood boil not party politics . The fact that healthcare workers have died and these bastd are fiddling with statistics is beyond belief . This bumbling stupid govt had hindsight into what was to come and they had advice on how to contain it and did nothing with both . Their stupidity have cost lives of our dearest and well known people as well as the people that cared for them in hospital or otherwise . They blatantly told us PPE was on its way knowing full well because of their blunders it wasn’t . People most on low o come are having to face the realities of maybe catching this awful thing while ministers and their supporters are flirting between their second luxury homes etc . Nah I don’t want to talk about the Labour Party they aren’t in power so irrelevant tbh.
FT is quoting 30% drop in output which was what was said on the BBC News bulletin. https://www.ft.com/content/734e604b-93d9-43a6-a6ec-19e8b22dad3c
I think a recession was always on the cards with so many industries shutting down indefinitely high street retail,pubs, restaurants, airlines... causing job losses which will have a knock on effect to other industries.
No it aint. Folks voted to get Brexit done, not who would be best leader to cope a worldwide I would think at the beginning shows its my thought and the second half of the sentence starts with we will never know, thats you and I as part of the we.
I do not think this is an easy situation to manage but people flying in and flying out with no checks and limited quarantine was basic . Boris had only one policy of significance and at least a no deal exit was avoided . . Jeremy was indifferent about Europe but followed conference policy . We will be relying on Chinese investment to sustain our economy.
A) It's not and B) It's not Nicked off Scoff from an earlier thread on the same subject...... I'll just leave you this link here: https://www.gov.uk/government/ministers/minister-of-state--40 But just in case you can't be bothered to look at it Responsibilities The Minister of State for Health leads on the following policy areas: NHS operations and performance secondary care commissioning policy healthcare quality regulation hospital care quality and patient experience patient safety hospitals in special measures Department of Health and Social Care expenditure and finances procurement The ultimate responsibility is with the Minister of State for Health (Matt Hancock).
Yes as I read it it was clinical commissioning groups who procured all things needed in the trusts search it under nhs procurement on google.
Whatever we get as a trust is split up into funding department's. As a ward worker the budget which mostly affects me is the staffing budget. The trust as with all it's money dictates how this is spent. Purchase of clinical stores/ppe etc would ordinarily come out of the respective budget. Under crisis however it is the government's responsibility to intervene and provide extra funding (and of course ppe).
So much whataboutery and deflection in this thread. Labour is irrelevant to the failings of the government. Fannying around with herd immunity for a week despite all evidence indicating it was a bad idea will have cost lives. Not only that, but due to the exponential spread it will have meant lockdown has needed to be longet, with the further economic and health harm that will result from that. I'm not even mentioning the PPE etc here. Make no mistake, they've proper f*cked it and shouldn't be let off the hook. Even if Corbyn would have come to power and then executed every tenth person it doesn't excuse the Tories or mean that their feet shouldn't be held to the fire.
I agree they weren't good, but the general state of the NHS was far, far better when Labour were voted out than when they came to power and is far, far worse now than when they were voted out. The last Labour government did things I really don't agree with, but they also did a lot of good, and I won't deny the good just because they also did some bad.