I don’t have an issue with any bit. Your views are your views. Personally, I think they should have also foreseen the stock market crash months before it happened due to greedy banks making very suspect investments. There were many models in place showing what could happen... just as there was with this situation.
Just like the model that was in place here showing us that we were fcked if a pandemic took hold. Cygnus wasn't it? 2016 when that was carried out? So 4 years we've had to ensure that we were in a position to tackle a pandemic. But Labour.
Isn’t it odd that no matter how bad the government fcuks up, someone will make sure the discussion turns to the Labour Party. common internet parlance is ‘whataboutery’, but I’m just going to call it what it is. It’s an unhealthy delusion. refusing to see when a government (of any persuasion) has royally ****** up is madness, it seems to me that about 80% of the HoC would have made a better job of this in February and March, when Boris was too busy with his private life to get a grip of what was happening. I’ll be grown up and admit it’s true that Corbyn is a ***** manager, Blair should’ve kept us out of war and regulated the banks when he had the chance. but this isn’t about that, this is about Boris taking his eye off the hall and being responsible for thousands of deaths in doing so. Are you going to do the grown up thing and admit that’s true.
No not but labour... you’re so indoctrinated that you think your labour party would be greatly different? Yes we’ll never actually know... however past issues with the economy have proved that most governments are reactive rather than proactive. They need votes and as such will defer problems. I’m not saying but labour, or that the conservatives have been better. I’m merely pointing out my belief based upon not hating either party, is that they’d have been equally ***** handling this unprecedented situation. Btw, there are reports about the devastation a solar flare would cause, but nothing done yet. But hey, the labour Cambridge and Oxford guys were so different to the Cambridge and Oxford guys of all the other parties....
Yes. But Labour. It's still the only reasoning that Tories and closet Tories have. Nobody is holding the government responsible if they have voted for them this time round. It's like there's a spell been cast. They're that desperate to be part of the winning side. "We won you lost lol". "They're doing their best". "What would Corbyn have done" "They never had chance to react" "There's never been anything like this before" Those are the 5 core defense mechanisms of Tory voters in the last election. Nobody ever thinks "Well actually, the government are making a right mess of it I might have to question them". It's always someone else's fault. Yes I'm a Labour Voter. But I recognise their faults. Corbyns policy on Brexit was foolish. His wifi pledge was daft too. See - there I am criticising Labour. He should have done more to stamp out the anti-Semitic stigma. Ooh look, that's another one. 3 criticisms of Labour in one paragraph. But why don't Tory voters question the government? It's just utterly baffling.
It’s the Trump Syndrome ,whatever they do the worst Criticism has “been they havnt handled it well” That is the the most underestimated sentence of this century .
The two years labour were in power after the financial crash were far more fruitful than the next five years under Tory/Coalition austerity or five years of Tory austerity .that is a fact .
People from Oxbridge are not all the same. There's a massive difference between the Eton Bullingdon mob and the normal people who grafted to get there.
You're letting them off the hook by doing so. It's like being up on a murder charge and saying "yeah but Harold Shipman would have killed more." It's nonsense. A solar flare is much less likely and doesn't occur in China and then slowly and inexorably spread across the globe while we sit on our hands. It was obvious to anyone with a hole in their ar*e at the start of March at the very latest that we needed to start taking measures. Not only did we not do anything, the govt made an active decision not to do anything with the heard immunity strategy. Other countries told us we were mad. The WHO told us we were mad. But they did it anyway, then abandoned it a week later and tried to deny they'd done it in the first place!
Feeling A little blue ? Life is getting you down ? The Government taking the ****. The Government letting you down ? Then roll up, roll up, Just buy a pair these & all is fine & dandy You owe to yourself £89.99 a pair
If the Labour Party were any good they would be in power now Corbyns dilly dallying over brexit cost them the government
So you think the Tory Party are doing a good job and nothing they have or haven't done is worth criticising other than Corbyn ?
1. Thats not why they lost - it didnt help but way too simplitic an answer 2. Its totally irrelevant - the topic is are the current government handling this crisis well - and the answer is they are not. They are handling it very badly with a total lack of leadership and honesty. The question is what should they be doing better - lying about testing, ignoring care homes , refusing to admit any errors and when questioned complaining about tone or bias are all wrong. Going it alone on a tracing app given to their mates is wrong, ignoring British PPE manufactures and going with a turkish conman is wrong. There is no real way anyone can say they haven't screwed up and yet the important thing seems to be the message given not the handling. I've never seen a government behave like this one before where lies are a preferred way of avoiding difficult truths - even previous Tory governments. I would genuinely far rather have a Thatcher Government in charge at the moment than this one and I am so far from being a Thatcher supporter its hard to measure
Did you not read what I put..? I’ve all along said that they’ve not handled it well. I’m not sure why though. Was it their ineptitude? Probably... were they badly advised?.. probably. Did they take their eye off the ball? Probably. Is Boris self centred? Definitely. But I don’t get how you think someone who stuttered over racism in their own party would have done much better. You say “I’m a labour voter” like they are your football team... through thick and thin and all that. They could crap on your doorstep and your response would be the tories would do a bigger crap, the greens crap would smell worse, the Lib Dem’s would be more runny. And if all that failed.. Thatcher. The quotes you have put. 1 yes they did, they are in power, due to an unelectable labour leader. (Cue the “blame the Tory press statements”) 2 they are, it’s not good enough and needs to improve. Hindsight is a great thing and I’m sure you will be able to tell me I all confidence what should have been done. 3. Dithered, like he did with the racism in the party. Probably, definitely, maybe. 4. They followed the wrong advice from trained respected “experts”. 5 you’re going to say Spanish flu or something. The world wasn’t developed like it is now. I can’t recall the whole world shutting down for months. A day or so in 9-11, but not like this, but I’m sure you’ll put me right. Defence mechanisms to you. Simple unanswerable questions really. Doesn’t prove either side right or wrong. But you seem so sure. As I said hindsight is brilliant. To me though, what is the point in voting if you are only ever going to see one side of the story.
Not my point at all. And it didn’t seem that obvious to most in here, who were slamming the Government for even considering it! Short memories from a lot of you.