I’ve always felt patriotic until the last couple of years. It feels a lot of the time that the union jack has become a bit of a way to identify idiots on social media
What a load of utter sh ite. did we have street parties at 25yrs? 50yrs? It’s bloody obvious that the further away the reality of WW2 gets, the more we ‘celebrate’ it. Rather than getting ‘too PC’ we risk becoming falsely nostalgic.
Who's we? I wasn't alive and so certainly didn't vote the government in that presided over the issue. It's definitely a "they" for me.
While out on my bike I just saw a house all decked out in union flags and red blue and white bunting, with a VW camper van parked on the drive....
It just depends how you define patriotism. The excesses of the British Empire are certainly nothing to be proud of but standing up to Hitler is.
I suspect it depends where you live and, possibly, current circumstances. We moved into our current home in 1994 and there were no parties anywhere within earshot in 95. Today half the street is out front. Lockdown is IMO a huge driver this time around. That and the weather.
I've been to Auschwitz, one of the humblest trips of my life. I stand fiercely against the far right and all forms of fascism and racism. I've observed the silence. But beyond that, I'm okay. Each to their own isn't it?
I agree but I seriously believe that if it wasn't for the British Empire we wouldn't have such good curry houses in this country today!
Were you in the Mall that day? I wasn’t. Did we move the bank holiday? No Nor do I remember anything happening locally for it or the 25th anniversary.
Read it, it says celebrations and street parties all over the country. If you google it there's parties all around the country for the 50th. "London felt like one huge party for three days, and the rest of the country followed the capital’s lead. Traffic came to a standstill as roads were shut, decorated with bunting, and millions threw street parties, just as had happened in 1945." Each to their own, l wouldn't knock what others want to do for it, enjoy your evening whatever you choose to do.
I don’t have to read it! It was only 25 years ago I remember it! Likewise 50 years ago. here’s something for you... https://newsthump.com/2020/05/08/ma...maginary-criticism-of-his-celebrating-ve-day/
I just got home from work at 2 and got pissed up in the garden. I did watch the 3pm Churchill speech as I’ve never seen it. I’ve been working all week and it’s nice weather so would have done the same anyway. Our garden is enclosed so not interacted with anyone else