The response to covid-19 has been that regardless of the economic cost to the country we have to do whatever is necessary to save lives. A point that some agree with, some disagree with, but we can all at least understand the logic behind Regardless of the impact on people's lives and ability to make choices for themselves we have to limit what we are allowed to do and the personal enjoyment in order to save lives. Again some agree, some disagree, but we all understand the logic. With that in mind how, going forward with this precedent having been set, can smoking be allowed to continue being legal? Around 1 in 5 deaths in the UK are caused by smoking, To put that into context of covid-19, covid has killed around 30,000 people in UK, smoking kills around 80,000 people every year with half a million hospital admissions. We have as a nation made the decision that regardless of the cost to people freedom of choice and regardless of the economic impact these deaths must be halted at all costs. With that in mind surely there can be no excuse for allowing such a big killer to continue to be legal.
The Tobacco industry has a powerful lobby unfortunately , especially the USA which in turn has influence in other Govts so a total ban will be out of the question in my opinion as in football money talks .
Curbs have been made in smoking though. Age limits for buying them have been raised, the price for a pack has gone up, you can no longer smoke in public places or buy them in packs of ten.
There is enough legislation in place to eradicate passive smoking. Smokers, therefore, are harming themselves only (although they do place an unnecessary burden on the NHS). Carriers of covid can quite easily kill handfuls of innocent people. You can't make a comparison.
You make a interesting point ST, as a former smoker these arguments were being made in the 1970s. The sane logical argument can be made about alcohol and processed food. I don't have a opinion either way but the defence/ mitigation against such a ban in the West is always: 1. Libertarian, personal freedoms. 2. Brings in a lot of money for the treasury. 3. Would lead to increase Crime and public disorder. 4. Unpopular with voters. Again not saying I agree with the above, just the usual arguments against doing anything.
As most of us are Yorkshire folk I’m concerned with only 1 aspect..... Isn’t smoking actually like setting fire to money?? £10 for 20 I can’t believe people actually choose to do it!!
I have an addictive personality, and hence I have never had even one cigarette. I know for a cast-iron fact that if I did, I'd spent all my money on them, to the detriment of food, rent, whatever. I'd have a hundred a day, and nothing anyone could do would stop me until I ran out of cash. Would it be a choice? Yes. And no. If I am compelled to, need, must have, whatever word you like, tobacco, then it isn't a 'choice' in the same way I can choose to have a cup of tea instead of a cup of coffee, and never regret having one instead of the other. Having your first cigarette is a choice. Thereafter, it's an addiction. I would say.
But doesn't physically kill as many. Smoking kills more people per year in the UK than alcohol, car accidents, drug use, hiv and obesity added together. And by quite some way too. These figures aren't exact because its about an hour since I read it but I think in England those combined still fall around 25,000 short if the deaths caused by smoking.
Still 9,000 people per year and wrecks lives in other ways - how many are assaulted etc , psychological damage, families broken up. Obesity is a big drain on NHS as well
Both are extremely valid points that I wouldn't disagree with but as covid-19 is a life and death situation I thought it logical to discuss the biggest killer in the UK as it's the most comparable thing otherwise you could say the same about pretty much anything
Could say similar about many things. Boozing is like p****ing money down the drain. Alcohol may kill less directly then smoking but the cost to NHS and policing every weekend is massive. I have never heard of a wife or partner being abused when a smoker has too many. arguments both ways I think, along with fatty foods and obesity
I'm sat in my garden all hot and bothered, bust out laughing at that, to the amusement of my neighbours
I've heard of and seen, people be abused when a smoker has gone without for too long. That's a very similar thing I think as the problem is caused by their addiction.