i've spent the last 7wks bumping into co-workers, i could refuse and go home...on zero pay, no furlough available to me
if the labour leader had said exactly the same you would all be praing him......... OED under H hypocrits.
My understanding is there was a big argument in the cabinet about allowing young people more freedom and keeping older folks locked down. Some didn't think it was fair on older people. Hence the Mish-mash.
They need to get people back on the treadmill ASAP. The idiot chairman of the ‘influential’ 1922 committee said as much the other day. They are petrified that some people actually like lockdown.
Agreed, I dont agree with Politicsing this but that was really hard work following his speech, in fact I gave up & waited for it to come on BBC news afterwards.
Certainly not defending bojo but how do you end the lockdown for lower risk people unless those people follow the rest of the guidelines. Seen some horrendous photos of public gatherings in parks etc yesterday to say people won’t adhere. It’s there for all to see, Thinking they are not only low risk but immune. Going to work in a hopefully strictly controlled environment will be less of a chance. If you think about how you analysed it. 1 side would say the other was abhorrent. I personally have little choice to do what I do. I could quite easily go off sick. I could quite easily say I have symptoms. and go get tested. I chose not to because that’s not who I am. But as an amber key worker I would at least like to be able to do what I can within the guidelines. And not have to worry about irresponsible people taking up my space cos they think they’re at a less risk of Dying.
This is crazy,wonder if bosses of firms been told last week,suppose you could turn up and see if they send you home again
You can play sports from Wednesday- but only with people from your own household. Wonder what the premier league will make of that.