My wife and I have agreed to sleep at different times so we can stay alert. One of us will sleep, the other will be on watch in case a virus approaches. I'm sleeping tonight, she's on watch. I've loaded her water pistol with cillit-bang just in case.
I love the way Boris assumes these people returning to work won't be using public transport. I also love the way he assumes revellers doing their exercises won't use public transport to travel to "other areas".
I watched about 2 mins and decided to give up and take the dog out for a run around in the garden, seemed like a more practical use of my time: I also get more sense from the dog
Said more or less those same the wife... I also believe that besides the confusion it once again creates.. Some folk will be out in droves visiting areas that maybe have been covid free or very low in cases recorded putting the folk and services there at risk... ... As the old saying goes.. Never cast a clout until May is out... And for me we should all be on lock down until June 1st.. Then reassess it then....
This is what it’s about, Boris refilling coffers with fines as the confused gets kicked up arse .
It was a shocking speech, wasn’t it. No clarity whatsoever, a new slogan that doesn’t make sense (how are you supposed to stay alert to something you can’t see?) new exercise rules now allowed that half the country were doing anyway... I personally disagree with ending the lockdown, which I’m sure doesn’t surprise you in the slightest. I can see why you want to end it for those that are less vulnerable, but I just feel like the effects, especially long term affects, of the virus are still too unknown. I also worry for those that have undiagnosed conditions, if that were to happen. I’m not going to shout at you and say you are murdering thousands of people, that’s not helpful. I do think that the 500,000 figure is not unrealistic though, as a worst case scenario. Remember a worst case scenario is not what they say will happen, it’s what could have happened in the absolute worst situation. 32,000 confirmed deaths, only confirmed deaths, even with the restrictions. Is it really out of the question that it could have been 500,000 with no restrictions at all? Remember worst case scenario, no social distancing, no pubs closed, football matches happening etc. The only thing they’ve now announced that I agree with is increasing the fines for those breaking the rules, but I’m not going to hold my breath that it’s a meaningful fine.
Seeing as the only other person in our house is our lass and she's in a wheelchair I'm going to get some reight wins against her....I'll show her who the superior sex are....nar then....where's that football
No. Its all a bit stupid really as the rules haven't changed one bit. Its ALWAYS been go to work if you can. Nothing has changed at all. Employers were always told they should only furlough employees if they otherwise would have made them redundant. Instead many took the easy way out. There has always been a specified list of industries that had to close, the rest were all told to continue operating
Makes me wonder if the original advice was actually how many interpreted it and more places should have closed, but the government were scared to make that call so let employers interpret it how they felt like. That’s the only way today’s announcement made sense.
Seems like they've just modified the rules on leisure to accommodate what people are starting to do anyway, so it doesn't look like people aren't taking them seriously.