We have a syringe each of Dettol at the side of our bed ready to inject in case it sneaks in. I’ve agreed with the wife that I’ll inject first.
I think we should ask admin to delete this series of posts, before Trump sees it and suggests Fiery Jack injections
Using my electronic skills honed over 55 years, I've started modifying the PIR sensors on our intruder alarm to detect the virus. Then we can just set the alarm when we go to bed, then the alarm will go off it a virus sneaks through the letterbox. We can then smear Fiery Jack on it, that will sort it.
I am currently smearing my whole body with embrocation.....Sorry, different thread on different message board
Like the Irishman holding a gun to his head after finding his wife in bed with his best mate. “I don’t know what you’re laughing at, you’re f***ing next!”
Use your common sense and keep away!! People who do go to the above (which I suspect many will) are IMO very very foolish!!!
As a big-city dweller, I always use public transport by choice, avoiding the car if at all possible, unless if the journey would be significantly longer by public transport (rare). However, due to the current situation, I have used it once this year (intercity train yesterday, through absolute necessity). But I can definitely say that in general I use public transport a lot, but I don't "need" to, as I always have the option of using my car.
Yes but ONLY if you can't coast from home, and if you must coast to the coast only DO so with members of your own household, but NOT on public transport. Use a car, or if you DON'T HAVE access to one, you can cycle there or, even BETTER, walk to the coast but, when you GET there you MUST social distance and DO NOT go swimming, except with members of your own household, and keep a 2 METRE, say, a WHOLE BREAST STROKE, apart.
Does that include people with no money and no food? Does it include women whose husbands are battering the living **** out of them? Does it include kids whose parents are burning them with cigarettes or raping them? Does it include people who are being evicted because they can no longer afford their rent? Does it include people who are sh1tting blood but can't even get anyone to pick up the phone never mind give them an appointment? Does it include those with no family, no carer, no one to pick up their pension or get their shopping? Stay in the house watching box sets on Netflix on a TV you don't have via a subscription you cannot afford. There's no doubt people will find my comments unsavoury, but yet it's happening. In a house near you.