I have none of these things thankyou very much and I'm 13 grand ish in debt (outside of the mortgage).
The “missed socialising” is going to be followed by the biggest recession anyone on here has ever seen. That is what young peope are against when the risk is so tiny below a certain age
Imo they havnt had them taken away, they havnt fought for them for one reason or another. We were always In dispute for one right being taken away/ given . I’ve touched on why we were able to fight housing etc but the generations before were kicked out of homes especially mining areas but they still fought formed unions under enormous pressure . The history of the working class is mired in suffering . There’s no fight in people these days probably for a multiple of reasons but they havnt been surrendered by our generation we still had to fight for these things via unions / labour govts etc. Any resistance is now crushed mercilessly . You only have to read some what i call right wing comments on here and from ex working class backgrounds . Sorry but if you want something in life you have to fight for it and fight to keep it . It’s not passed on especially when you’ve the greedy keep pecking at you you have to hit back and that’s been eroded over the years .
I agree about student grants ( I was just into the maintenance loan category) It's now been wiped out. Howevet, more people now have the chance to go to uni which I personally see as a good thing. I was also lucky that my grandma gave us £3000 for our first house deposit. A couple of years and ill be mortgage free. However, as a child i never went abroad, and I've been able to take my children. They have more material possessions. They have more varied food. The past is a different country, you cant compare. All you can do is try to vote, act in a way that will make the present and future better. For me personally that's a global thing too because at the end if the day everyone in the UK is materially and educationally far better off than the majority of the worlds population.
Let's be fair, easing restrictions wouldn't be "abandoning people to die". It would still be within their power to self isolate, and provisions could be made for vulnerable shopping times etc.
Alternatively you can judge it is on how the elders act in respect of future generations. "A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit"
I agree. And when it's safe to start easing restrictions we should. I've no issue with that. When we take every precaution to protect everyone to the best of our ability. Suggesting an 82 year old not getting to 84 is tough luck is vile.
It has to be tendered to .as I’ve said above it doesn’t happen overnight as the generations retire the baton needs to be kept moving . Unfortunately because of a lot of reasons , eg industries closing people who flourished with privileges fought by their parents generation turning their backs, people thinking Tory govts would look after them ,etc the rights and privileges have been eroded and it’s not the fault of the older generation we’re just easy targets .
That's a brilliant saying, I love it. Just for the record, I totally disagreed with saddling students with debt from their university courses. Especially when the MP's who created the problem had the benefits of the previous set up, but didn't want future students to have the self same benefits. Neither did I agree with the selling of council houses, without letting the councils have the monies raised to be used for building more council properties. I'd also like to point out myself, my wife, son, daughter & daughter-in-law all voted to remain in the Referendum. Finally, as Laura and myself are in the at risk category (Laura is high risk), we've been self isolating and will continue to do so. I am at a loss what more we could do.
Good plan Churton stay in house till it’s safe, I’ve had a rethink and I’m gonna stay in my house till we find a cure for cancer and all those other nasty ways people die. It’s been safe for under 50s since the start, the draconian measures placed on us are to protect people like you and we will be paying for it long after peope like you have gone. If you choose to live out your remaining years in confinement away from the big scary virus feel free, that’s your choice hopefully you live long past Old Roger. Just don’t ram your choice down my throat and expect me to be greatful.
Oh thats alright then . as long as your'e OK!! You do realise that a lot the generation, you are berating put their lives a risk and may lost them fighting for your right to freedom , and you feel hard done to because you've had to put your social life on hold!!"
To those arguing about lockdown with a Young against Old element your wrong it's the human race against a virus that has killed thousands and thousands of people around the world. Johnson will love the fact we are arguing about young versus old instead of questioning his parties terrible handling of this crisis, Youre falling into the old tory trap of divide and conquer its worked for years, during to miners strike during the brexit ref every tory election victory find some section of the population to pin the blame on and either overtly or subvertly hammer home the message it's all their fault not ours.
Is this the divide and conquer thread. Young v Old. Started during Brexit,dint it. Cant understand it bitching at each other. Any human should want the best for the young, the old and the inbetweenies.
No, allow peope to make their own decisions based on their own circumstances. If they want to isolate let them isolate, it they want to go back to some sort of normal then let them do it.