Would the number of hospital cases in over 45s overwhelm the NHS? If the highest risk groups were completely isolated and not becoming infected? If that did prove to be the case then - as is more than likely going yo happen under the current approach - you would introduce a reset lockdown. Should the high risk be leaving the house *at all* or should we create the financial environment and support network so that there risk of exposure is minimised? Shielded people *have* already been told they shouldn't leave the house. Are delivery drivers spreading COVID_19? If they are then how do we prioritise limited resources to protecting the high risk groups rather than furloughing all risk groups? I'm not sure where the discrimination is here? If you are over 70 or are in a high risk group you sadly have a good chance of being seriously ill or dying from COVID_19. The best way to avoid that is not to catch COVID_19. The best way to avoid COVID_19 is to completely isolate. Not to go food shopping. Not to exercise outside the home. If people in those groups choose not to do that then it is there choice and personal decision on risk, but we certainly should create an environment that allows them to. I don't think I am suggesting herd immunity am I? I'm asking whether there is an alternative approach to limit the number of deaths and serious illnesses, and therefore pressure on the NHS *and* minimising the impact of COVID_19, that prioritises the wellbeing of high risk groups.
A few things I’ve learned from this thread. Some brilliant quotes, 2/3 people are so ridiculous. That they’re like a dog with a bone. The arguments don’t wash. So when you are criticised to the degree you can surely see what others can. then go on the defensive it becomes boring. The old saying goes “if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen“. Before you embarrass yourselves even further.
Sensibly put. I don't think the other 2 are really advocating this though. They are definitely writing certain sections of the population off.
Vulnerable shopping times are still a big risk. They are having to touch door handles, trolley handles, packaging, change etc that the great unwashed have been daubing their mits on. If we are serious about protecting the vulnerable they should be getting home deliveries.
I read somewhere that a woman was making thousands by selling shopping market online delivery slots for £30 a go...
I have suggested that the only solutions to the increased pension costs for the country were higher taxes, more workers (immigrants) or Logan's Run, but it was a joke and not meant to be a policy suggestion...
Or let’s demand our govt put effective track and trace procedures and clear social distancing at work or otherwise like they have done in other countries . Then we can try and lead as normal a life as possible till we know what this virus morphs into .
Doesn't appear so. People just want the people out there to be responsible with their social distancing.
Had to go out for some tarpaulin for a shed that is leaking and damaging stuff inside. Decided that B&m at stair foot would have the stuff. So donned mask, gloves, hat, coat, etc.... when I got there, it was crazy! Families of 2 or 3 adults with 1 or 2 children each, all running around touching stuff and banging into people. Kids around 6 or so years old. Others just wandering aimlessly like it was 2019! There was about 3 people with any kind of protection or courtesy of keeping social distance. I feel sorry for the people in there deemed to be key workers, as it was clear idiots were just taking the piss. Or maybe it was the posters on here?
Me neither, but it popped up on a news app... I’ll try to find it. Didn’t realise it was the sun so maybe bs... https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/1...rket-home-food-delivery-slots-saving-holiday/
It's ridiculous isn't it - I've just done our weekly Tesco shop and it's the same. Everyone queues outside in their little space and then once inside it's a free for all. I reckon the general public fall into 3 categories: sensible, imbeciles and wnkers. Unfortunately, there's rather a large overlap in 2 and 3.
I had to do my weekly shop yesterday and felt desperately sorry for the staff: they looked scared ####less.
From my social media feeds it looks like a lot of stores changed their policy on queueing yesterday: the one i went in certainly had.