In my opinion I'd say Our board agree which your opening statement and no doubt are praying we go down lol
Bury? If it's one up, one down, and no promotion or relegation below then it should be fine. That's my guess anyway. Actual opinion is 19/20 is null and void for all comps, or someone will sue and win on grounds of lost earnings due to unfair resolution.
More I k about it more harsh it seems on rotherham and coventry. So leeds and west brom get promotion without finishing the season but league one is null and void rotherham and Coventry stay in league one. Hope it does happen though.
All depends on Lee and co’s ability to absorb a prolonged period with no/reduced income. I struggle to see how people think we’re in a better position to get through this than those clubs where the ownership have already proved both able and willing to absorb huge losses. If we knew that any of our gang actually had any proper money I’d feel a lot more confident.
I av bin reading abart relegation an promotion nar for 2 months, and it all boils darn to opinions, every fan, club, manager, owner and owners wife wants best for them, I don't av an answer either but I hope wot eva is decided, its done in the best interest of everyone involved. Good luk to uwevers sorting this art.
totally agree with this. I find the statement from the club fairly worrying. their reason for purchasing the club (Make money from player sales) has collapsed now and so they have little incentive to keep things going. To make things worse the revenue that they relied on to reduce risk has more or less disappeared. If they are not prepared to put any money in to support it (which I don’t think they are / they don’t even have the money) then we are in a tight spot, to say the least. the likes of sheff w etc are used to just absorbing losses, so what’s another 10m to get worried about ..
Sadly I have to agree. A club with a willing and able sugardaddy will survive. I'm not sure our owners have the will or the wherewithal.
The sooner they stop pissing about trying to finish the season the quicker they can get their act together and devise a plan to decide next steps and save clubs. It’s farcical that it’s gotta this far with absolutely no decisions made.
Whilst I agree generally, any club already carrying huge deficits have proved they're happy to do that. Whereas we haven't proved we are happy to lose a fairly big chunk of money. However - the bold bit is not the stated aim of the owners, nor is it a reasonable business plan. Their aim is to increase the value of the club to sell it on (I appreciate they've done a crap job so far)
yep you’re probably right , I was going to post that at the time. There’s a nice salary to take from the club too.
that was my point,if you cancel leagues 1 and 2 as mooted then the league pyramid is out, promoting Barrow would mean the national leagues would also be out.
Spot on. Not knowing if you're going to be in the Championship or League 1 is far worse than actual relegation to League 1. Once you've been relegated you can plan accordingly.
Can’t work out if we’d be better in L1 or championship to be honest. The Sky money in championship is usually £6m but I doubt it’ll be anywhere near that with what’s happening. Our players will take hefty pay cuts if we’re relegated.