Reds fan has set up a gofundme page to raise money for the poor lad. Let’s show him that we support him and not the cretinous bullies.
I agree @DEETEE , at the beginning it looked almost staged but if they are well known in the area hopefully they'll be caught. Hadn't realised this is cctv footage.
These idiots are a disgrace to the Town. I would have loved to have walked around that corner even at my age.
Great idea . It as made me sick to the bottom of my stomach . I just hope see scumbags are put behind bars before they are pointed out for their safety.
All well known faces who congregate in the town centre and are based on princess street. Hopefully will see some decent sentences handed out here but wouldn't hold my breath.
If they are that easy to find hopefully they will be found soon and justice administered. And hopefully by the victims relatives 41 year old victim looked like a kid.
Doesn’t mention the spitting, which is disgusting anyway, but in these times, is an horrific thing to do
And why they’re all hanging about together despite being in lockdown.... oh forgot, these feckless wannabe gangsters don’t follow rules.
When somebody can’t walk around my own town in the middle of the day, I’m truly embarrassed and disgusted. A significant minority is causing this, but are pretty much untouchable.
We need an education system that actually educates kids to have a social conscience rather than simply jumping through the same old academic hoops. And we also need enough prison space for the percentage that,despite that, refuse to act like decent human beings.
The education can do a lot, but when they get home and are influenced by drug and drink parents, who have no idea of parenting. You’re fighting a losing battle.
The education system does teach them this is unacceptable. Kids ime have a very well developed sense of conscience/empathy on the whole.