Only way out of this,give us immunity passports and let’s get on with it,we can let young uns get on with their lives knowing people they meet immune,gets a bit complicated for the poor ones who not immune,not sure how you work that one out ,do you have different hours in supermarkets for immune and not immune people any ideas?
It's so hard to believe that it's taking scientists so long to know if catching Covid 19 gives you immunity and if so how long it lasts for. All the amazing things scientists have done and yet this seems impossible for them.
I’m sure one of the scientists at some point said you can still carry it and infect others even though you’ve had symptoms . This is one of the frightening things of this virus it’s all unknown.
The only way they will know if immunity lasts for one year is to wait for at least one year from the first cases and test those who were initially affected. The only way they will know if immunity lasts for 10 years is to wait at least 10 years from the first cases and test those initially infected. It is the same with sequelae - they won't know for up to 50 years the long-term effects. They will have an idea of immunity from the makeup of any antibodies present in the body, but it is believed that those infected with SARS didn't have permanent immunity - and we are not immune to the common cold which can be caused by a coronavirus. A vaccine has not to date been developed for SARS either. The South Koreans did publish that they have found immunity in those that recovered, but that immunity could degrade over time and it is still being investigated. Its the same with flu, which is one of the reasons we have a vaccination annually - although that does deal with different strains and COVID has been found to have at least 30 different strains so far - *and* it is thought that the European strain was more contagious and deadly than the initial Asian strain. It is entirely feasible that you are immune to one strain and not to another. It is entirely feasible that lung, kidney or immune system damage conferred from the first bout will actually weaken your resistance to a second infection.
I can hear the black market printing presses warming up as I type this. If drug dealers are forging medical passes as reported to continue their filthy trade, then the forging of immunity passports will be through the roof, obviously as long as they are blue
There is a working assumption that it gives immunity based on how other viruses work - so far there is no real evidence to counter that - there are reports of people testing positive twice but in S Korea these have all been explained away and are not second infections but remnants from the first But ir will only become clearer over time It makes sense that if your body successfully fought it off once and gets a second dose whilst you still have the antibodies it will not reinfect. For regular flu and colds the immunity lasts for around 1 year but it will be obviously a year down the line before we can say it the same applies to CV
So next month a government approved antibody test should be available. But no point anyone buying one as nothing will change. Or we do buy one and if it says we've had it still carry on the same way but feel a bit safer than you did.
Oxford University are coordinating a worldwide trial.using antibodies taken from survivors,within 28 days. These are then infused into those people with Covid-19, to assist in fighting the disease. This trial has not been going for more than 2 months, the Global Pandemic ( first one in 102 years) has only been active for 6 months. Medical treatment and research does not happen quickly but evolves over time. Why you or anyone else believes there is a quick and immediate solution to this problem, is beyond me.
HIV/AIDS is also a global pandemic and has been ongoing for the last 40 years. Over 1 million people per year die as a result of infection. There is still no vaccination although treatment options have significantly improved in the western world, but not Africa.