I think there will be a problem re integrating people into society after the lock down. I've seen a change in group mindset over a matter of weeks. I'm not sure I like which way some aspects of society are heading. Starting with as posted earlier the injustice of it all.
Branson has had no involvement with the UK rail system since the back end of last year - they lost the West Coast Franchise after partners Stagecoach were disqualified - and to be completely fair, Virgin were minority stakeholders in the East Coast mainline franchise (10% IIRC).
Doesn't the government run both the East and West coast franchises now. I think the LNER franchise is even turning in a profit. I'm amazed the government keep auctioning it off.
Taiwan have had 7 deaths from COVID and with the understandable exception of tourism, just about every sector *grew* in March after shrinking by about 20% in February. Foreign visitors are still forbidden, but everyone gets 3 free masks per week (and have to wear them in public) and temperature checks entering public buildings (shops, offices, etc) - other than that, the economy is going on as before. Vietnam have had 0 deaths from a country of 96m and a GDP per person 1/10 of the UK. Their economy (again, except for tourism) is growing. Neither country introduced furloughing as far as I am aware but will need to support or redeploy those affected by the fall in tourism income.
East Coast - yes. West Coast - no, its run by a group containing First Group (70%) and the Italian rail operator - Trenitalia (30%).
East Coast interests me because it's auctioned off then the operator makes a hash. It returns to government. The government sorts it out and then wants to auction it off again. Why?
Honestly. I think its the Tory mindset that private = good, and public = bad. Its also an opportunity to make money for their friends and benefactors. Remember, the train companies are run by the same people, with the same drivers, guards, and management at the same prices but maybe the private sector can't make enough profit to make it worthwhile...
It’s my opinion that within these company’s there’s profit making sections and non profit making sections . When Publicly run these sections are merged together and the system runs with either a small loss/profit or even keel . When privately owned they pound the profit making section for all its worth then neglect to unprofitable part then when it goes tits up they hand it back to start again .