My mum walked in on me once and tried to make out she'd not seen anything. It was hearing door handle going and scrambling for remote, shuffling under covers to pull my pants up that incriminated me more. She only came upstairs to tell me my tea was ready. To be fair I was 25 and she was probably more embarrassed than I was.
Cheers Kev, same to yourself and yours, all good here, just myself and my youngest in the house, bit strained at times of course, 19 year old not able to see her friends etc...hope the grandkids and Laura are fine as well as you and Crystal...
Laura's at home studying for her Masters. Christopher & Becky are being driven mad at times by our Grandkids , Crystal is the perfect Mother Hen to Laura & myself and I'm doing what I've always done. I'm being the epitome of a couch potato!
I was ORDERED to stop masturbating by my doctor. When I asked him why, he said it was because the other patients in the waiting room had complained!