I'm no lawyer so had to look up manslaughter, which can apparantly be committed in 1 of 3 ways. Given that the guy allegedly claimed to have covid before spitting at the woman, an act reportedly resulting in her death, I think it could fall under involuntary manslaughter: 'Conduct taking the form of an unlawful act involving a danger of some harm that resulted in death ("unlawful and dangerous act manslaughter").' Given that the guy claimed to have it, he supposedly knew the 'danger of some harm' involved and it did unfortunately result in her death. Again, no lawyer, but there's a case for it surely?
Well you'll not get anyone much more left wing/liberal as me but when I see and read about events like this my gut reaction is to instigate testicular removal therapy for the blokes. As to the item that purports to be of the female gender.... They deserve all they get.
Just can't see it unless she's been in trouble with the law previously, which I dunno. Looking at the stuff posted online either about her or links to her social media her lawyer has plenty to support her case. I would guess that she won't see her kids for a long time, will be given drug rehabilitation to get clean, get a suspended sentence, and be given help to get out of town for her own safety both from attacks from the public and to get away from the bad crowd she hangs with.
Love my town, but it's getting worse and worse. I was brought up severely underprivileged, but we all have choices and I, like many others from poor backgrounds, knew right from wrong. This whole gang thing is getting out of hand. Getting a criminal record and being banged up for a night is a badge of honour these days. I've heard young ens where I work bragging about getting locked up. Throw the book at them. But they'll get off with next to nothing. Meanwhile, that lad might now have to contend with a lifetime of anxiety. Seeing it far too often.
Prob gonna show my naivity here but........why are they all described as "no fixed abode" or "formerly of", they must live somewhere, don't look homeless. Is it as simple as they refused to give an address and claimed they are kipping on someone's sofa then?
To be fair, I was mugged in town over 30 years ago. They didn’t take my phone though, or my fags. I didn’t have either... but they did knock my tooth out and break my nose. No cctv at that time either, but they stopped kicking my head in when a passing police officer stopped at the traffic lights. I was about 13. The gang were 17-20 years old and about 10 of them. The main protagonist was picked up, identified, (18 years old), and given a £60 fine. The others were not charged. He did however get a little bit more “justice”. As I’m from a big family, and as such have a more hands on element who knew the lad. This has been going on a long time, but the prevalence of drugs, and the “glamour” of being “gangsta” seems to be making it more commonplace. Why can’t folk just get on? Live and let live and all that?
https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/live-updates-five-people-charged-18255314 All kept in custody ready for Sheffield crown court next month. Amazing how quickly this case is moving along whilst those in the Football business such as Wilks and Barton get to wait around.
Guessing they all plead guilty due to amount of evidence, so exit stage right. Hopefully time in YOI's, not holding my breath though.
Your probley right, but Hopefully with them all been remanded they could be given long sentences. You would have thought the bloke who 1st grabs him and takes him down in a hold and the other who then rifled through his pockets will get the longest sentences. Hopefully they all do some time get off the drugs and get jobs after release....
Well if they haven't got jobs, and don't live with their parent (s) they are probably sofa surfing so yes, no fixed abode. Remember you can't claim housing benefit until you're over 25.
Some good news for the victim, current crowdfunding amount is over £3,600, donations from far and wide. Good on everyone for this, as usual the majority show the real worth of decent society, just a shame the violent scum are repeatedly given a handkerchief tap on the wrist
Just realised most of them were adults after reading article. Only watched the video initially and put down my phone through pure anger. At least 4 of them are looking at time inside. They looked like young uns, mid late teens.
Shes the only one thats been charged with assault, and rightly so. But what about that bloke that had him in a headlock? Is that not assault as well as robbery? Who's the judge? Trevor Kettle.
Had it happened now to you all members of the gang who assaulted you would have been charged under the 'joint-enterprise' law. Similarly I think all those who were around when this guy was mugged for his phone will be charged.
It appears so. They are all scum and need punishing but her boyfriend who's already spent time in prison will be looking at a long sentence whilst she will probably get suspended sentence, told to keep away from those lads and get help to clean up her life for her kids sake.
Re your last comment mate. I don’t get the argument people are hanging around with a bad crowd. Very rarely if ever have I heard little Johnnys mother say. Don’t hang around with Johnny he’s the bad one in the crowd. It’s allus Someone else’s kids who are the bad influence. Yes I agree some bow to peer pressure. But when I was growing up we didn’t have the herd mentality of following the rogue in the group. They were generally pulled into line if crossing it.
When I was growing up your either got a moral compass from a good upbringing or lots of slipper and scutches round the bonce. Turns out most folk from Monk Bretton were brought up the same.
I used to go to school with some lads from Monk Bretton, always wondered why they all had cauliflower ears, black eyes and bent noses, and they did used to sit down very gingerly.. Sign of a good upbringing!