I look at this and bbc news, also watch odd thing on youtube, but at moment anyone got any sites to visit that pass an hour
To be honest there's not much else that I look at either, I get all the news on here and just go to the BBC to get the full story. I sometimes look at the Cycling UK forum, Met Office, eBay and (very occasionally) Facecrap.
Twitch. Endless content if you like that sort of thing. At 3.30pm I'm watching the formula-e championship SIM racing. It's amateurs first then the current formula-e real life racers against each other in a game called rfactor2. It's quite fun.
I find that once on youtube and listening to music, you can take a menagerie of routes and discover some great music that you probably wouldn’t Have otherwise listened to. Spend many hours, particularly Friday night/ Saturday morning doing this
My daughters are loving tik tok (had to ask how to spell it) but having shown me a few things they thought would amuse me I was distinctly underwhelmed.
Click a link to something that interests you then just follow your nose. You'll find yourself going all over the place - enjoy the journey!
I tend look on here and twitter but I’m finding myself on YouTube more and more looking at live webcams from around the world, I’m find it interesting seeing how quiet the streets are plus I’m really interested in rodents so I spend a bit of time on the excellent website Xhamster.com.
my sons friend is always posting on tik tok, but I think its a generational thing as you say ,they just doing dancing or pretending to fall off stuff etc
If I'm bored, I will often open Wikipedia, click Random Article or something from the home page and just read about something. There are so many millions of articles on there, you will always find something interesting
My usual rotation is here, BBC, Politico and The Hill. Used to be the42 for Irish slant on sport but there's not much to talk about on there at the moment!
Get yourself on Reddit but be prepared to lose hours of your day. There’s sub Reddit’s for everything, and I mean everything.
same here - find YouTube brilliant for music - old pop - classical stuff all there at the click of a button!