If it works and is safe.... https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/uk-coronavirus-pandemic-live-updates-22030885 Great that it's enough for around half the country and will hopefully mean herd immunity before the rest get it. The fun and games will be the government working out which half of the country should get it first.
Everyone would expect frontline workers, elderly and those with underlying health conditions to take priority. I don't know how many would be left after that but I would expect BAME to be next in line as they are clearly more high risk.
Maybe not, but surely good to know that we have everything in place in case it is found that the current vaccine they are testing is proven to work?
Anyone who allows a vaccine to be injected into their veins (away from testing in a controlled environment when you're monitored), (particularly if you're under 45 when the chances of death from Covid-19 are minuscule) after such little testing, is without intelligence. In fact, if you're contemplating it, please go ahead. Please. Our planet is way over populated. We need a huge reduction in numbers and we could really do with you out of the gene pool.
I think they know it,s going to work that’s the scientists that is,the government will always play it down.
That's what I think too. You don't fast track something a year early at 90 plus million pound cost and around another 40 million too if you wasn't pretty sure you were on to a winner. By September it will hopefully have burned out before the vaccine....
£90m is bugger all in the grand scheme of coronavirus economic fallout. If you offered the government some magic beans which had a 1 in 100 chance of turning out to be an effective cure they'd snap your hand off for £90m.
They will be 99% sure that it works as a vaccine . The evidence for that will have been visible pretty quickly after starting the trials. As for the safety aspect well they are always confident it is safe otherwise they wouldn't do the trials. That doesn't necessarily mean it is safe though because history shows you that occasionally trials have to be halted after unexpected safety issues and sometimes they even pass the trials and are then found to be unsafe.
Seemingly the Oxford vaccine has produced antibodies in monkeys. Millwall fans are ecstatic with the news!