Occurs 4-6 weeks after the COVID all clear, by the sounds of it. All those with it that have been tested have come up positive for the COVID antibodies. Very worrying, as we’re starting to talk about opening schools up.
There has been a significant increase in kids presenting with this already. Apparently in Italy there was a 30 fold increase on the usual number of cases: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31129-6/fulltext But if we don't get kids back to school the drones can't work to save the economy. There's no chance I'll be sending mine back any time soon but I'm lucky enough to be able to work from home and my wife happened to be between jobs when this all kicked off so the homeschooling hasn't been a juggling act like I know it has for some.
My grandson had Kawasaki approx 4 years ago & virtually no one had heard of it - we were lucky that a hospital doctor had seen a single case before & was able to properly diagnose him. He was gravely poorly with a sky high temperature, listlessness in the extreme - it was touch & go for a few weeks but happily he made a full recovery & at 8 (now) is a season ticket holder of 3 years. Don’t underestimate this disease
Glad he made a full recovery. I have to say I haven’t heard of it before a few days ago, but it sounds horrendous. If it is indeed linked to COVID, it’s extremely worrying, isn’t it.
Thanks, BR. He’s a happy little soul - his family are fully self-isolating & they feel lucky that they can work from home (his dad, my son). I would not wish this on anyone - we thought he was slowly dying but, as I said, his doctor had seen one case before, researched it & gave him the correct treatment. It was a horrible few weeks for us all (particularly as we had to visit every 2 days to Blackburrrrn, Lancs hospital (the live near Rochdale)
Glad your grandson recovered - I thought Kawasaki was a 'new' disease linked to Covid 19 but it seems it has been around along time.
As a kid I had Mobilette disease: the symptoms were rashes and scratches on my arms and legs as a result of bombing abart on paths and the cut bank, festooned with nettles and brambles.
Wonder if there's a closer link between Covid 19 and Kawasaki than has been accepted - the former predominately affects older adults - the latter mainly youngsters. What would happen if Covid 19 patients were treated in the same way as Kawasaki patients.??
It can bugger a lot up. Long term or even permanent effects on lungs, kidneys, liver and heart to name a few that I’ve seen reported. It’s fine though. It only kills old people, we should send everyone back to work.
Thankfully my little un now off till September. The nursery / school won't be able to make the adaptations required by government in time or have any kind of continuity for teaching. Sounds like government again made comments without any actual idea of how they're going to implement policy/guidance. Just another day.... Must remember though some members of cabinet don't do human emotion or contact. So wouldn't understand the dynamics of a working class school. They're used to being sent off to boarding school.
Doctors have reported success treating COVID-19 with anti-coagulants to reduce the inflammation - although before they to the ICU stage. Treatment for Kawasaki disease is anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulants, so it sounds like there could be some similarities*. *Not a doctor, not allowed to study biology past 14 (by school), so could be crap.
It would be interesting if children who have had Kawasaki were tested to see if they had the Covid 19 antibodies - if they did that would link the two conditions??
From what I've seen, those who have been diagnosed recently have all tested positive for COVID. Not sure about historic cases - although that would be *something*
They have been - They haven't tested every Kawasaki patient, but every one that they have tested in the last few weeks has come up positive for COVID antibodies. Including the one that sadly lost their life.
It's now in some young adults, which is extremely worrying..... https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/mystery-kawasaki-like-illness-linked-22077061
Why is it extremely worrying? There are 165,000 deaths from cancer every year in the UK. That's 450 per day. How many people have died in the UK from Kawasaki Disease ever?