I've been very lucky in that I've never really had battery issues with a car before (if it breaks tomorrow I'm blaming you) and household issues I don't think I've ever really had anything go wrong where I'm not sure if it's got power or not. Probably have and just binned it to be fair but not anymore now I've ordered my super duper Jamdrop endorsed multimeter. Do you have any other gadgets that I need?
I’ll probably never use it but I’ll just keep it at the side of me just in case my Mrs catches me watching reruns of Glee
The only other thing I like is a bit niche. It's also car related and I've only used it once but again it saved me a fortune - a fault code reader. (No idea why the ebay link is so long). When Will's car's check engine light came on we bought it and instantly discovered it needed a new lambda sensor. It was much cheaper to buy that and the new sensor than taking it to a garage for them to run all their diagnostic stuff and then fix it. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OBD-Fault-Code-Reader-Scanner-Engine-Car-Diagnostic-Equipment-Reset-Tool-LCD-UK/174258001856?_trkparms=ispr=1&hash=item28929617c0:gO0AAOSwqdNeexOR&enc=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&checksum=174258001856b1ee6142ab684c3ebb4366e9eb08b609
There's nothing wrong with reruns of glee as long as it's the earlier seasons and not the ones where they tried splitting it between the school and college.
Heres a professional one for comparison https://www.cef.co.uk/catalogue/pro...GzjhaoyaznwjyIIYRDhoC35sQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
I've always wanted one of those too but never got round to buying it. I've been fortunate in that two people at work have them and keep them with them all the time so I like just get them to plug it in. My neighbour has one too and he used it on my car once for me.
There used to be a shop in Dodworth where you could watch repairs, if you were interested in that sort of thing. You could also watch batteries fitted. I never actually went in, but that's what the sign in the window said.
See - invaluable! I bet you anything you find uses for the multimeter now, you just didn't know you could have used it for stuff before.
I probably will. But if I blow myself up because I'm prodding everything in my house I hope you will feel at least a tiny bit guilty
Maybe start small with an AA battery and then progress to medium things like checking the health of your car battery before sticking them in plug sockets.
Woah woah woah don't you be getting ahead of yourself. AA? I'm starting with a AAA and that's if I'm feeling brave
I seem to remember the cloth always having a crease in it halfway along the erm crease. I'd bowl the ball, it would go halfway and stop
I got one of these when I was 9, 55 years ago. I was hooked, and knew instantly what my career was going to be. I've been an electronics enthusiast ever since, firstly as a hobby, then as my degree subject, then professionally, and today back to a hobby. It never ever loses its fascination.