The Prince of Wales has urged British citizens to come together to join the Pick for Britain campaign, which calls on people to help farmers harvest fruits and vegetables. Prince Charles likened the movement to the Land Army, which saw women work in agriculture so that men could join the military during World War Two. "Many thousands of people will be needed to pick the crops. It will be hard graft but hugely important," Prince Charles said, in a video message that was posted to his official Instagram account. Pick for Britain is a UK government initiative designed to help farmers who fear that Covid-related travel restrictions will cause a shortage of migrant labour to harvest crops. He had to look up the phrase "hard graft" in the dictionary after ringing round his family and nobody knowing what it meant
Thats nothing - I saw the front page of one of the rags this morning ( Sun I think) lead with the fact that poor Liz is going to be £18Million worse off this year as she has had to shut her palaces to tourists. Poor thing no idea how she will cope
In these times, shouldn't all the Royal family be furloughed? Fair enough, Queenie has done 2 broadcasts, but that was only a few hours work and she hasn't been seen since. They should all be on £2500 each per month.
A bit like the thousands of volunteer teachers that are apparently queuing up to help out in schools. That's the same thousands who couldn't wait to quit teaching as soon as they could because they hated the job and the way education, or rather lack of, was heading. Just ask my wife !
Surely there are 17,410,742 people all ready, willing and good to go for these kind of jobs??? Or am I missing summat?
Prince Charles eh. the man who makes millions from the Cornwall estate. (surplus money.) 19 million . Not bad when it’s inheritance dating back to the 1300s. 2018 Harry and wills and partners pocketed 4.9 million from daddy. On that estate alone. yes he funds charitable causes. Ones that he chooses. Owns thousands of acres of land and coastline. Still able to claim the estates of anyone who dies without a will and heirs. ( everyone else’s goes to the treasury if no heirs) Still can claim shipwreck booty if found in the waters. can claim all sorts of rights. ( ok some of em might not occur. Like rights to dead whales off the coast. Now wants folk to help fund his lifestyle by doing probably one of the most backbreaking jobs known to man for what ? peanuts. Go back to bojo and blame him. For preventing immigrant labour who do the work for a pittance. Or pay a decent rate for picking crops. See if you want to do it for minimum wage. Or do you want the public to do it for free. “ Thats the spirit. Let’s have the land army back” I can think of lots of things to volunteer for. That I’d do for nowt. Not that though. MAKE THE WAGES ATTRACTIVE ENOUGH. not 16 yr old sally n billy. Having to do it for less than minimum Wage. If it means a raise in agricultural prices. then incorporate a new tax threshold to those that can afford. Call it the fruit n veg tax or whatever you want.
Out of touch, indefensible, unemployment has gone up.50,000. Get some of those to do it and pay them a livable wage.
Fraid not. They belong to the welsh. I may be wrong but isn’t The Prince of Wales just an honorary title. Goes and sits on the throne somewhere in Wales now and again. Not sure he has any rights as such. Except next in line to the throne.
Yes but taxation is not the only source of income. They are ( councils) losing millions throughout the country. Going cap in hand to central government for help.
It's never ending..the appeal for folk to go and work in crap conditions for minimum wage...wonder if the great and good privileged will "lend a hand" Environment Secretary George Eustice says only "around a third" of migrant workers normally expected for the harvest are currently in the country. He says this means Britons will be required to "lend a hand" in bringing in this summer's fruit and vegetables. He says UK citizens interested in signing up for the work can now register their interest on 'Pick for Britain' website.
On the day we’ve announced we aren’t having migrants unless they can earn 25k from next year. What a state.