So things like things like the equality act, violence against women act, protections against foreign interventions in elections, the butch lewis act, raising the minimum wage and hundreds of others are just dems being political? But yeah, my bad for calling out McConnell and Trump who are only concerned with a wall, tax breaks for the richest and obstructing any sort hint of protections for the most vulnerable in society. Trump is a man who has lied 18000 times while in office and said and done things that would have been career ending if he had anything about him whatsoever. But of course ObAmAgAtE...
Your wasting your time calling out McConnell , no one's going to stop him . Why do you think the first bill was a voice vote only and not recorded then the usual suspects stood up in the house shrieking injustice even though they voted for it . As for the good things the Dems have done I'm sorry but they ve done more bad in my eyes and that's how you need to look at things , in a historical context . I'll leave a short video to best explain my point of view .......
yes the dems are pretty crap. all politics has shifted drastically to the right. Tricky Dicky would be consdered left these days. Bernie was robbed - twice - but surely they are much much better than Trump
You can idealise about the politics you want, divorce yourself from the here and now and forever moan that nothing gets done or you can work pragmatically towards achieving what you want. Moan about the Democrats all you like but America is highly unlikely to elect a Sanders and certainly nor someone to the left of him. The mainstream Democrats are deeply flawed but you're infinitely more likely to end up with a progressive government via a Democratic control of apparatus than allowing Trump to be re elected. To maintain that the Democrats are as bad or dangerous as Trump is absurd.