Having something like this helps.. https://mobile.twitter.com/darfieldmuseum?lang=en I've never been, but many happy memories for the folks around there & hooking up with Barnsley Heritage. Fantastic.
EDIT: Whoops - just realised that the first bit of this one is nowt to do with Blacker Hill - see the first one linked by kestyke. I blame mi age. The first 4.1/2 minutes are filmed in Blacker Hill, which for the pedants used to be in Worsbrough UDC and not Hoyland The old building at the beginning is the Methodist Church and the schoolroom (spent many a Sunday mornings there as a young boy). The church was demolished and what was the schoolroom was turned into the 'new' Methodist Chapel. The longer distance shots show the Donkey Pond, Hoyland Low Stand, St Mary's Church in Worsbrough Village and the old Blacker Hill Sidings (later used by Paul Sykes for his salvage operation) which I believe are now owned by Warwick Ward. Don't know about 1993, some of those shots look like they were from 1953 but bringing back a few memories nevertheless. A link to more old Hoyland photos, from 1954, https://barnsleymuseums.art.blog/20...99C1qB6P95-37vCJsHQKYMMCB-9-aVNSXmjcYCkH5HHys
Thanks for the info. Blacker Hill makes sense, I couldn't figure out the industrial landscape in the background when it was billed as Hoyland.