I m speechless. I can't imagine exerting pressure on somebody's neck can ever be a suitable restraint.
It’s very effective, doesn’t matter how strong you are body wise if they have you’re neck pinned you can get up.
So clearly it’s ok for another ‘fine upstanding citizen’ with a badge to murder him. Lowlife scum. Both of you
This is unbelievable. Suspect resists arrest - use reasonable force to restrain him and get him cuffed. But once in cuffs why keep him pinned down in that manner for so long? Surely in cuffs he no longer represents either a danger or an escape risk. Clearly more will come out but from what I've seen I just can't imagine there will be any justifiable mitigation for their actions.
Also the most likely cause of positional asphyxiation either at the time of arrest or shortly after. Most deaths in custody linked to such shoddy practices.
That is outrageous. But in these current times, it seems government/police can do as they like without consequence.
I think what usually happens in the states is the police investigate themselves and find they did nothing wrong
Excuse me? We don't - to my knowledge - live in a world (yet) in which people are murdered by police at their discretion.
I've said it before and I'll say it again America has so much going for it, but, as a country it's still in its infancy in relative terms, and as a consequence a very dangerous minority hold sway in government, law, religious factions and education. Our politicians are a long, long way from perfect but compared with those in the USA they are a damn sight brighter. To be poor and of an ethnic minority in the US of A is probably akin to being subject to apartheid in South Africa of old. A toddler nation with a toddler's intelligence.
No we live in a world where peope take no responsibility for their own actions. Where the first thought is to blame the man doing his job and side with the criminal.
I can see that's effective, I was meaning more I hope you never have someone close to you die unnecessarily due to another human action. But if you did, I think any other person on this board would have a lot more sympathy than you are showing.