I know that theres other expenditure s more than player contracts but surely these billionaires could make up short fall and get it back later on , but no they come out with that statement more or less saying pay up or club closes.
Sorry mate don’t see it like that. ( your initial argument never mentioned wealth. But transfer money) Irrespective of being billionaires. (People use the same excuse as if to say they should put the club in debt to get promotion after having not wanting that to happen.) No one I know wants to see the club go under. And touch wood I don’t think they’ll allow us to go under. The loss would be theirs. In the long run. We will come out of this in a far better position than most I believe. Plus how many clubs are not going to do what we are. The premier giants are crying poverty in some cases. Liverpool initially furloughing staff. Then having to reverse decision after public outcry.
A for me too. If the season starts in September I'm confident we won't miss much and if I didn't get one and we were allowed back it would work out more expensive doing POTD until a half season pass came available.
Well I do see it like that, they own the club .not me or you or any other fan ,not wanting to argue but my opinion is different to yours but that's why we have this forum to get our opinions across.anyway I've made my decision but who's to say it wont change in next couple of months , as fans where emotionally attached more then these in charge and they now it
I’m struggling with this to be honest. I was fed up with the club before Covid. I’m in a precarious position financially/ job security wise, the season is uncertain and my daughter is going into her final year at Uni. My brain says chalk it off and forget it, but I don’t want to leave a club when it needs me. As it stands, I can’t/ won’t do anything. I can’t afford to buy a pass for a season that might not even happen.
Same, not getting value due to missing too many games and the situation with the owners and their strategy. None of my mates are either but thats mostly due to uncertainty about jobs as well as the current ownership. We’ll go to a game a month I’m sure but as for another ST it’s a no from us.
It’s mentioned on the FAQ page. Due to current circumstances the preferred provider is unavailable, but the club are working to secure another.
No idea to be honest. It’s not a financial decision for me, it’s a social one. Everyone I go with is unlikely to renew and if I’m being honest I’ve not been enjoying it for a few years now. I’ll wait and see what happens
That is your opinion mate and I respect it. As I said. your opening post did not include their wealth. You only included that in your reply to mine. Can we at least be clear on that. I responded to your reply on my thoughts on that matter. as a different comment. totally irrelevant to the first. I too have opinions. Were you expecting everyone to agree with you. It’s called debate.
A. My thoughts pre-pandemic were that I would only renew if we go down on the grounds that with the distance I travel there would be too many mid-week games in the Championship due to international breaks. As I think we will be in League one any way next season, I will wait a few weeks to see how things develop but, unless things change for the worse, renew. The cut price and free I-follow aregood incentives.