Seems like the Huffington Post aren't the only ones with the 'dubious' story jc... Call for inquiry into why senior Tory helped donor avoid £40m tax
Probably wasting my time here but let’s look at the facts Jenrick ILLEGALLY approved a planning application - Fact The approval was against the advice of the local planning officer and council - Fact The decision was made one day before new tax rules came into force which meant the developer had to pay around £40,000,000 less tax - Fact Desmond donated £300,000 to the Conservative party in 2014 - Fact The decision was quashed by the high court on the grounds of apparent bias - Fact Jenrick himself admitted it was “technically illegal” and an informed well minded person would conclude that it was biased in favour of the developer - Fact Jenrick refused to disclose correspondence between himself and the developer to explain the reason for his decision - Fact Your semantic argument about a minor inconsistency in the original article( I linked to the fact that as far as I know he hasn’t made a very recent donation to the Tories) look somewhat lame. Even Jenrick himself can’t give a better reason for his decision so either he was biased or incompetent. Or both. More information in the well known lefty rag for house builders In any previous government (labour or Tory) he would be forced to resign or be sacked Why is he still in post
Oh bless touched a nerve did I? I asked a simple question, at no time did I dispute what Jenrick did or didn’t do. The question was really simple is Desmond a ‘mate’? If your post was titled about Jenrick’s actions and I wouldn’t have replied as I was already aware of what had happened in terms of him over ruling local planners etc. For the record he is in the wrong and should be held to account accordingly.
Even if you hadn't, it doesn't alter your usual approach. Person 1: 'the Tories have done X, that's bad' John: 'labour did the same/would've done the same, they're just as bad' It doesn't mean that the government shouldn't be held to account, surely? Fair dos of you don't want either, or would like some kind of reform meaning our political system ends up as not just a choice between the two, but I can't remember you saying that.