That’s it. Spain are equally as **** at lockdown, lets just chalk fcukk on it all because of this story. Hang on, Spain have only had 5 deaths in the last 4 days and we’ve had over 1000. ‘Yes but the Belgian Prince nobody has heard of??’ Come on mate, Christ, I thought you were better than this.
No, it’s just a response to this constant ridiculous narrative that all British people are ******* but every other nation have observed perfect adherence to lockdown, which is clearly just daft. You also surely know very well that the Spanish figures are subject to significant discrepancies because of the way they keep being adjusted up and down. Last week there was a day with -2000 deaths. Then this week there’s been a day with 280 deaths and then 1 and 2 the following days. You can’t really believe that stat about five deaths can you?
I too have concerns about ours but on May 25th Spain had minus 1,915 deaths. Either their reporting has also had some major issues with it or they’ve got some fûcking good doctors.