Upon being found out she made a public apology and did the honourable thing in resigning the whip. Out of order doing it in the first place but still completely incomparable to the disgusting attitude shown by CONSERVATIVE advisor Dominic Cummings. Not sure why the names of political parties have to be in capitals but I thought I'd play along.
She’s not the only one stephen kinnock as well She was very vocal in slagging Cummings off for breaking lockdown restrictions even though she know what she had done hypocritical of her if you ask me
I think I made my point - she resigned as it’s the right thing to do. several on the other side when caught out haven’t resigned - or been sacked. it’s not about the rule breaking - plenty have done it. It’s about integrity
Should be forced to resign along with any other MPs from every party who have broke lockdown restrictions I think there will be many more who have done this
Well we are in total agreement then. But defending him as you have previously just because others are doing it doesn't make it right. He made the rules, which makes his the worst of the lot.
Should he not have the moral compass to realise his error and resign out of his own moral duty rather than waiting until he is fired? Being forced to resign is essentially being fired. He was asked straight out. Will you apologise? And his reply was a clear and resounding no. Surely you can see the difference in how he and Rosie Duffield have reacted to being found out?
Yes if he’s got anything about him he will resign but if not he needs to be sacked sooner rather than later
Completely agree. Anyone in a position of responsibility during this pandemic who flouts lockdown rules should resign - no matter what party they're from.
Should have been out on his arse immediately , don’t think he should have resigned though, sacked is a more telling statement IMHO