The 'other guy' didn't break the lockdown. He stuck very much to the rules. Why can't you accept that??
Knowing how he's carried off I wouldn't be surprised if his 30 mile drive back was to test whether the stroke he was having was too severe to drive. What I want to know is how bad is Mary's driving skills if the family would rather have an half blind Dominic drive their child around the country than have her do it?
That's exactly it. Even if he didn't mean it, all it would have taken was the S word. "Look, I panicked. We've never had to think about this before - I was thinking about the welfare of my child. I know I've made a mistake and I regret it. I've offered my resignation to Mr Johnson, it's up to him whether he chooses to accept it" Or "I acted like any responsible parent would. If you don't love your kids as much as I love mine then you're a terrible parent" I know which is more acceptable.
Cummings was instrumental in these lies and misinterpretations of Corbyn and getting his press friends to publish lie after lie , he also said of one labour MP who was receiving death threats to let Brexit through in parliament to stop the threats . No sympathy from me if you live by the sword etc ,
You didn't miss anything. I wasn't outraged. Him doing whatever had no impact on me keeping my family safe. Just the thought that people are so like sheep they would go out and put their families at risk just becuase someone else does. Stuff of playgrounds. Not newsworthy, he should have been reprimanded by the law and punished accordingly. Not the trial by media and mob rule we have witnessed.
"Trial by media and mob rule." That's an interesting way to describe the public wanting to ensure the rule of law is upheld and government advisers are held accountable for their actions.
I disagree actually. Had his sole breach been the drive up there I don't think many would have had much of a problem with it. In fact I think the response would have been similar to that when Boris went to his retreat after coming out of hospital. But Cummings knew all along that he had also taken Mary out for her birthday and knew he had been seen doing so. He couldn't just apologise for the initial drive without still being in the wrong for this so he had to just try to deflect everything. He could apologise for the long drive as much as he wanted. I would still believe he needs sacking for the 60 mile round trip to give his wife a birthday day out.
No it wouldn't. Him saying sorry would have had zero impact on the reaction. Said enough on this now anyway. I'm not defending him. My point was that it has been a witch hunt/media circus. He should be punished but not for us to decide how. Same goes for the guy that seemingly perverted the course of justice. People obviously feel much more strongly about this than me, that is their prerogative. But for me the whole thing was too politically motivated, as Marlon pointed out like some of the dogs abuse Corbyn got. We should be able to have grown up discussions in this day and age without the growing tendancy for picking up our pitch forkers and going for mob rule. Let the police do their job effectively, don't lie to them for a joke. Last word on it from me. Moved on as Dragon said in the first response, just wanted to put a point across.
But it isn't as simple as that. If you are in the middle of the African safari with no idea what is safe and what isn't what would you do if you were surrounded by two dangerous looking animals and the expert guide said ok whatever you do you do not go near animal a, it will kill you. The only way to stay safe is to walk past animal b instead? Presumably you'd walk towards animal b. What about if he said that but then walked straight past animal a himself and off to safety? Would you still walk past animal b? Or would you repeat the experts actions? Follow the expert's advice? Or copy what the expert does? Suddenly it's not quite so clear what to do is it
In case you have missed all the posts saying it. The person who lied did not lie to the police. That's why the police didn't mention that they were investigating it
Said last word from me but needed to respond to this point.. So the public as in who? Pretty sure many of the people in the country probably have a different view. In order to let the law do its job, that doesn't mean 24 hour media coverage on the same subject for weeks. Doesn't mean a few morons with placards outside someones house. We have the police for a reason. If a crime has been committed they are the ones that decide to press charges, not us. As far as I know they haven't as yet.
I think most people believe he should have resigned. The trip to Barnard Castle alone was a resignation offence on its own in my opinion, everything else is just background noise. He hasn't, he isn't going to so it is time to move on.
He didn't speak to the police though. Which three of us have now told you. Also... Another witness:
Disagree. I don't think people should move on from injustice just because the person committing that injustice says to.
The public as a whole. This is more important than a bloke simply breaking the rules, it's about the fact that the Government tried to absolve him of all guilt, to place him above the law. It's alright saying "so what a bloke drove somewhere" but the way the Government has handled it has made it about something far more important. It's about accountability and the rule of law, and that's why it shouldn't be dropped. If they get away with this then they push it further next time.