No worries, I didn't think you had but then thought you meant both of us. Brexit is extremely annoying (apart from for the obvious reasons) because I'm sure you can see that a lot of brexit voters are racists but that is then unfair on those who didn't vote for anything to do with race or immigration or anything who get lumped in together. I know racists who voted simply to get foreigners out. I also know people who voted simply because they feel our laws are governed by unelected bureaucrats and it has nothing to do with immigration for them. Sadly everyone gets rounded up together
If the reason given for voting to end FOM is limited resources and strain on services then it’s not irrelevant.
What is a hell of a lot? Have you got an exact figure or % that you know for certain voted to leave purely on the grounds of being racist?
No I haven't obviously. Do you believe that not many racists voted for Brexit? An attack on them isn't an attack on you.
No I don't believe that. I think that the chances are that most racists did vote Brexit. What I'd take issue with is the assertion that it was a hell of a lot. I don't think it was, I think that the number of out and out racists in this country are a small minority. If you're saying that a hell of a lot of people had immigration as a factor then you're probably right but immigration and racism are vastly different things.
My mum voted to “send em back”. She’s a fairly rational human being but also a massive racist. I do get your point in how can it ever be measured but I strongly suspect she wasn’t alone. I’ve got a feeling your Union Jack waving stereotypical Farage fan wasn’t too keen either.
whilst not being a snapshot of the whole country the bloke interviews on channel 4 couldn’t even work out what EU immigration entailed! Indeed though, immigration and racism whilst wholly 2 separate subject were often lumped in together, aided by the impression it seemed a lot of racists didn’t like immigration
of course its irrelevant, we have a commitment to the people of hong kong, their 'possible' influx is completely different to that of the eu's FOM open boarder policy.
You're right that there are some dimwits who voted to leave did for the wrong reasons and of course racists don't like immigration, again for the wrong reasons but I stand by my belief that they represent a small minority of the Brexit vote.
I agree it was a minority,Maybe 48% - 52% I won’t say small as I very much believe that minority was easily large enough to swing the vote
Read up on the OP now Its clear that its a threat to China who are playing fast and lose with the agreement we made when HK was handed back whether we will carry out that threat if China dont back down I have no idea I'd hope we would but have little confidence we will do anything that drastic Falling out with China , forcing ourselves to fall out with the EU and if Trump gets re-elected we are going to be pretty isolated so only a mad government would follow through on all those policies (ahem) Even if we did offer them all a British passport its hard to say how many would actually come - it certainly wont be all 3 million thats certain I guess if you voted for Brexit for immigration control reasons you wouldn't be happy if we did follow that approach though
To answer you no I am not. Your mum obviously wasn’t the only racist who voted for Brexit but I am sick to death of being tarred with the same brush, along with being thick, didn’t know what I voted for etc etc. Let’s see what happens in the coming months. Like last weeks Nissan announcement, not many people predicted that, and i can guarantee that if they would’ve announced that Sunderland was closing there would have been a hell of a lot of remainders on here rubbing our faces in it.
Let’s see what happens regarding what deal if any they can come up. I voted to leave but would rather have a trade deal that benefits the Many rather than the few.
It’s a bsolutely not if the premise of your argument is we need to control immigration due to pressure on services and resourcing. The issues wherever the people come from would be the same.
sorry dont agree the wrath of the chinese administration and the eu's freedom of movement are poles apart
The silence has been deafening tbh Rich....many remainers have made the argument about the stupid people of Sunderland voting to put themselves out of work ( and I have to say there did seem to be a great risk of that bearing in mind Nissan's partnership with Renault). The added news that some Renault models are to be built on Wearside has to be encouraging, certainly for the plant's short to medium term future. It does though put the Honda closure into perspective. Since the EU Japan free trade deal, Japanese companies no longer need EU manufacturing plants. I seem to remember the Sunderland closure inevitability, being said on this forum by some, but only Farnham Red has been gracious enough to come on and give the news the thumbs up.