Just wondering what actually he does he very rarely does press conferences and when he does he waffles on not knowing any answers, I no he been ill but surely he should be talking to is nation more. 4
Not enough of them in my opinion. The lousy, lying, cheating vermin that currently occupy the cabinet places deserve everything they get and much more. Hope this Cummins fiasco and any other wrong doing by this scumbag lot occupies every space of every media outlet, Social forum,etc, every minute of everyday. Move on my arse. The only thing that needs move on are these ***** that are currently in office.
I think Boris does one briefing a week unlike Nicola Sturgeon who delivers the bulletin every day in Scotland . Tough to get back to full strength after battling the virus but long term I reckon Richie Sunak has demonstrated good common sense and a calmness in responding to the crisis and has leadership qualities.
Right up until the point Rishi posted the boilerplate tweet defending Dastardly Dom. I honestly see him as a ‘wasted opportunity’ now. The Tories could have shown up Labour by not only having 2 female leaders but also an Ethnic Minority, whilst the Labour Party just ties itself in knots with ridiculous identity politics.
C'mon now DT you always go with this response, the OP is not bashing Boris he/she are making a very valid point.
I like the level of consistency on here. Just maybe Bojo is the one to change that. Then he would have to be some sort of LEADER instead of a fridge magnet.
In fairness to Johnson he is recovering from time spent in ICU which is a traumatic experience. No one should expect him to be back at work full time.