I'm saying that US folk are screwed either way . Blaming the village idiot all the time and that somehow getting rid of trump is going to solve everything is not really a political point of view , moreover a parroting of liberal media talking points . Do be mindful of the American voter's choice in 2016 , trump or Hilary . I guess you ve heard of the 1994 crime bill and how it screwed mainly black and minority communities ? http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-36020717 Signed by Bill Clinton , and look who's with him , Hilary. Just one of the reasons trump got in and Hilary lost .
The guy bottom left died from Michael Bloomberg s stop and frisk policy . Who ran in the democratic primary ...... Michael Bloomberg . But trump ......
America had a problem with this sort of thing long before trump came to power. He doesnt help things but I think years and years of this is coming to a head at the minute.
Hands up who remembers the time in 1985 the police dropped a bomb on Philadelphia? Anyone? Imagine obeying an order to drop a bomb on people in your own city. What sort of unthinking, mindless subservience to authority would you have to have?
That's not proof of racism at all. It's proof of the nature of the arrest. The two at the top literally gave themselves up. Even the most thuggish of police don't tend to attack people who give themselves up on camera.
I'm not sure, you can easily twist pictures like that admittedly to suite what you want. But American police have a long history of racial brutality and killing black Americans.
They have a long history of brutality and killing white Americans too. Is it not possible that they are just thugs?
Mass protest in Trafalgar Square today, zero social distancing, Bournemouth beach also packed with sun bathers ) you can always rely on the good old British public to use common sense eh?
I was just about to post the same. I've seen several videos today of the police behaving impeccably with protesters and showing solidarity with them. The original crime was unforgivable but the violence and looting is too. They are thugs who use any excuse to loot, riot and cause mayhem. I also saw a very distressing video of a store owner in Dallas being beaten with fists, boots, a skateboard and rocks in Dallas. There are unconfirmed reports that he has died of his injuries. Protest all you want but when it turns violent and you start smashing up and burning people's property or looting stores you become criminals.
That's just knocked me sick. Absolutely disgusting that in a so called free democracy anyone would feel the need to write that. Land of the free my arse!
They want black people to be subservient and bow down, ask nicely and apologetically to stop being killed without offending the flag or being rude, or violent - despite a history of treating them like absolute sh!te. As Tolstoy said, "I sit on a man's back choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that i am sorry for him and wish to lighten his load by all means possible....except by getting off his back."
But not anywhere near as many. and the more people they can get repeating what you have; the easier it is for them to get away with it.
How does me saying that the police over there have to be held a lot more accountable for all their thuggery mean they can get away with being thugs? Genuine question but do you think it's right that EVERY time a black person is killed by police it is just assumed it's because of his skin colour? The officer who killed George floyd has previously shot a white guy by the way. And the officer who helped him is an ethnic minority himself.
Antifa organisations, predominantly left wing white organisations are behind a lot of the protests. Soon to be declared terrorise organusations insidethe states. Which will be interesting...
This could get very boring - but there’s a massive difference between shooting someone and kneeling on someone’s windpipe for 9 entire minutes. You have a point that not everything is racist - but you’re an idiot if you’re pretending none of it is.