Anyone want to join me, had a few(sunshine & Sider*) Tories am looking at you..............Just kidding
I think this board manages to talk enough without being under the influence but I'll join you in a cider and cheers!
Haha, Marathon not a sprint. Got my hands on some of those One off brews from Northern Monk.. Sunday Roast Dinner Beer and Jam Roly Poly beer.. could well be minging but have to try all these different ales.
I thought I would be "conservative" and drink a bottle of Westons Vintage 8.2 (very smooth ) with some 40 % Swedish Absolut Vodka (memories of Swedish holidays) accompanied a soup-con of French Brandy .
The best vodka I ever had was lemon vodka when we visited the Soviet union. I dread to think the %alcohol but it kept out the cold!
Hi Helen , what brand and can you buy it (or similar ) in the UK ? I usually avoid flavoured spirits .