Fortunately I've never said none of it is. I'll put it another way though. Seeing that video in isolation what makes you think that the cop was doing what he was doing because of the victims skin colour? And then seeing that video and knowing that the killer cop has previous for brutality and been involved in the shooting of a white guy before what makes you think it was racially motivated?
At what point did I say it was racially motivated? you know I’m a numbers guy! And if you’re 3 times as likely to be murdered by a policeman if you’re black, rising to 10x more likely if you’re black and unarmed; then there’s definitely some racism going on somewhere. If you’re white and you can take a semi automatic weapon onto the street and protest outside the town hall and police station with no chance of being arrested - but if you’re black and unarmed and protesting you’re going to get tear gassed - there’s definitely some racism going on.
As a numbers guy shouldn't you look at all the numbers not just one figure? Black people are more likely to resist arrest than white. That's a fact by the FBI. Black people are more likely to commit the violent or more face to face crime whilst white are more likely to commit the more hidden or stealth crimes. Therefore they're more likely to come into contact with police in a heated situation. If the only stat you look at is number of black deaths per capita compared to number of white deaths per capita and you use that one statistic to assume racism is the cause then you simply have to also come to the conclusion that American police are sexist. Also you can't look at isolated incidents and pick and choose extremes to prove a point
I didn’t only use one stat; I used two then I also posted re protests. I also offered you the opportunity to quote me actual stats to support what you alleged before. You couldn’t be bothered, but you expect me to do my own research. Frankly I don’t pretend to be an expert on racism because I’ve never suffered from it, but I have witnessed it. However I will take offence to people who aren’t likely to suffer racism pretending it’s not a problem.
But Why are they more likely to resist arrest though? Maybe because they fear what will happen if they dont?
I don't think racism is a problem? Is that despite me posting about how many racist people I know? What I am saying is you cannot automatically just ASSUME a crime is racially motivated simply because of the colour of the perpetrator and victims skin.
Let's not equate looting and smashing stuff up with killing people. Capitalism would have you believe they're both equally heinous crimes, but they're not. Damage to property is not the same as murder.
Nor does it bring justice for Mr Floyd. I'm calling out the murder of him and the looting. It is possible to take that stance, you can demand just for the killing of George Floyd and call the looters criminals.
The American government and the fascist, supremacist right wing (along with dumb Liberal media) would have you believe Antifascist groups are terrorists. Its utter nonsense of course, unless you believe anyone standing up to fascism is a terrorist. It's nonsensical rubbish. Whilst I don't agree with some of their tactics they most certainly do not, and would not burn down, attack or loot local businesses and/or people. Banks - yes, corporations, yes - police, yes, fascists - yes. But never would they instigate to torch or attack 'their own'. The alt-right and the fascists would like nothing more for Trump, the fascist sympathiser, to ban them. That's why I've no doubt there's masked up racists beating people up and smashing up local businesses disguised as 'white Antifa protesters'. I'm sure there's local criminal elements and tour eager everyday arsonists doing it too.
I agree to an extent but the problem is as an organisation or group grows the intentions of its members can be diluted. If there's just you and me in a group doing demonstrations then I'm pretty sure we'd both be on the same page demonstrating against something which is wrong. Add more and more members to out group and can you really be sure what the intentions of everyone is? The TRUE Antifa members have the same aim but as it's gained popularity it's also gained members who literally just want to cause trouble. Those members word burn down or loot Anything because they aren't actually there for a cause but simply to hide in a mob to do what they want. Same goes with football fans in a way. I don't actually think there's any way to stop that happening though except literally banning anyone attending who hasn't been vetted and that's not practical
It's a diversion, and an unwelcome one if only because it allows people like yourself to draw meaningless comparisons and claim "well if only you'd behave reasonably we'd give you justice". Black people have been dying for decades without looting, so perhaps they that's not the problem, just a symptom?
The police are tools of authority and a now post capitalist failed state that wants to protect its position. Interesting article here on the formation of the police in the USA. There's a reason you don't get into the police with a high IQ. Fact remains you are far more likely to be killed as a black person than a white one. You're far more likely to go to jail as a black person than a white one - racism and the economic system are inextricably linked. The US has the highest per head of population in jail and corporations make a pretty penny from it.
Yep , it's like trump locks people up at the border in cages .who built those cages , obama . But we don't talk about that , we prefer to talk about the orange one . Getting rid of trump isn't the start of anything apart from more of the same .
"Hey negro, if you just stop being all uppity and running about breaking things, we'd give you justice!" *years pass, perhaps a 'bad apple' gets some jail time whilst others get fired* "Hey negro, you still at it? Look, stop breaking things, sit down and we can talk. This time you'll get justice, promise" *repeat ad finitum*
But I haven’t Again though: the numbers tell a story, the witnesses tell a story, the facts around gun crime tell a story. No single black person I know believe that it’s nuanced; are they all wrong? Should I ignore their view of racism and sign up behind Nudge instead?