Left handed. Me for one I kick with my right foot though and use a pair of scissors with my right hand. Otherwise total lefty.
I'm right handed and if you ever saw me play football you'd think I was left footed until I try kicking the ball with the outside of my foot. Can curl it or blast it but swerving gives me away.
I'm left handed and left footed but everything else I do right handed like using a pair of scissors. No left handed ones when I was a lass!
Me, though with a lot of sport I played right handed. Cricket in school I was more weird and would bowl right handed and bat left handed.
I eat right handed but sort of try to use my fork as a knife and knife as a fork. Not stopped me shovelling down snap though.
I missed the days of your left hand being tied behind your back and being forced to be right handed. The Latin word 'sinistra' originally meant "left" but took on meanings of "evil" or "unlucky" by the Classical Latin era, and this double meaning survives in European derivatives of Latin, and in the English word "sinister". So, if you were left-handed or' sinister', you were associated with evil.
What specific thing makes you left or right handed? Is it writing? I write and play tennis left, but throw play golf and cricket right
I think everybody is a mix of left and right, some more strongly on one side than the other. Usually its 'left-handed' and 'right handed' as in writing that defines you.
I'm right handed but use my phone with my left hand. I thought everyone did until I saw things where people were moaning about buttons being accidentally pressed on the right side etc. I'm now intrigued as to which hand people use for texting/scrolling, if they use their writing hand or the opposite one.
I'm a 100% cack hander . If I was born a few years earlier I would have been forced to use my right hand at school for writing . Can't believe they used to make kids do that .
I write left handed but play sports right handed, always wonder if I’d have been better if I learnt it left handed lol
Sinister = left handed or evil Dexter - Right handed My granddad had his hand tied behind his back while he learnt to write (in the 30s). I learnt to eat copying him, so even now eat left-handed although I am right-handed.
I'm left handed. And left footed. I play guitar right handed. Which might explain why I'm so dreadful at it. Someone mentioned writing as a defining factor. I had an ambidextrous flatmate in the 1990s, who just wrote with whichever hand he happened to pick up his pen with. His party trick was that he could hold a pen in each hand and write two different sentences simultaneously.
When I was a teenager I used my left hand regularly when I got to 99... Mind you some say I'm a total one now.. Lol Trust me to lower the tone lol
Totally weird for me. I'm left hand, and right scissored. I eat the wrong way around and I'm ambidextrous with a mouse.