I find it hard to fathom the amount of reaction this has caused in a small town like Barnsley in a completely different part of the world? I don't live in the USA and what happens there is of passing interest...I don't agree with killing suspects. and I don't agree with racism...
CNN right now is crazy footage. So many people having their businesses attacked. Full of thugs who have spent a week causing havoc and acting like criminals. It's like what happened with Mark Duggan over here in that far too many people saw the incident as an excuse to act like a dick.
My day is short so I don't have time to reply to everything here, so forgive me for not doing so. A couple of things though. There's been accouple of incidences of police posing with demonstrators then tear gassing them moments later. Nice photo op, looks good for the press but, "now excuse us whilst we put the metal glove back". And yes, I'm sure there are decent coppers, they do exist just like they did at Orgreave (ahem!) That said let's not forget that those good coppers fail, systematically, to report on the bad apples. They continue to let them act in unlawful ways and to be covertly racist without reporting them. The omerta of being a copper means you don't snitch. So it's a bit rich for them to be proclaiming "this has to stop" when they continued to let incidents like Floyd George and dozens of countless lesser ones continue.
Trump has a street tear gassed so he can stand outside a church holding a bible. I'm sure the KKK like that imagery.
People can surely react to world events even if they do live in Barnsley. Surely that's understandable. The logical alternative is to have no reaction at all to any event unless it happens inside the borough!
I think we can now pretty much agree that the President of the US is a fascist. The scary part for me is how easy it's been for him to turn a country with issues like most others, into a raging cauldron of hate. Could easily happen here if we don't properly hold government to account. I never thought I'd hear a major world leader attack those who against fascism, let alone somehow make out an abbreviation of anti fascism is some sort of organised terrorist group. Trump isn't mentally fit to run a bath, let alone country. The Republican Party are aiding and abetting a tintop dictator, they must also be held accountable for their actions. I will also state the looting and criminal damage is a disgrace, but it shouldn't in any way distract from the protests. Trump's been spoiling for this fight since inauguration let's hope he's left embarrassed and beaten at end of it.
The best thing to come out of America overnight has to be Trump’s threat to set the army onto the protesters. The same army which was served in Vietnam by thousands of African Americans who risked their lives in the name of the USA, the same army that Trump used his family’s influence to dodge. Draft dodger deploys army against his own citizens!! Priceless
Not just the street but also the priests and medical volunteers on the church patio Interview with one of the priests linked in this twitter thread This is particularly telling - all for a photo op to show what a good Christian he is Replying to @jackmjenkins Just spoke with Rev. Gerbasi. She told me that law enforcement with shields forced priests, others *off the church patio,* meaning they stepped on church property to expel people from it. As she put it: "They turned holy ground into a battle ground." Story coming.
It's the whole culture . The news media over there has been a disaster from both sides , CNN and fox . They ve almost assisted in the division , one side banging on about unfounded russiagate stories while the other defends trump to the hilt . It's almost like a wrestling match which in turn is good for ratings and then increased ad revenue . Make no mistake , as far as the news media is concerned , trump's good for business .
They might as well have . Think I'm lying ? https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/leslie-moonves-donald-trump-may-871464 During the 2016 election pretty much all the major news networks ran wall to wall trump stories because it brought in ad money and ratings went through the roof despite their distain for him . Instead of focusing on let's say Bernie , they chased $$$ and inadvertently fed his political narrative to an even wider audience with their wall to wall coverage . Some predictions estimate he gained $200 million dollars worth of free exposure thanks to those news networks . They even showed his rally's live in their entirety and all for ratings ......
Some of the comments/views/opinions shared in this thread are bizarre. Looting and rioting is obscene, granted. But the take away from the last week or so is certainly not that. And I pity anyone discussing that over the actual real issues. The most powerful nation in the world is now run by a fascist dictator. A clearly unhinged one. Who had law and military attacking the nation’s people. It’s the sort of thing the UK government would usually speak out against. But our government is the other cheek to that same anus. I used to wonder how Nazi Germany happened. Used to.
I liked this - but for balance; concentration camps, police states and state sponsored murder of minorities aren’t solely tools of Fascist states.
I just wonder how many of the looters are nothing to do with the protests. We've already seen police smashing up their own vehicles while dozens of other coppers stand by, agents provocateur smashing windows and starting fires. No doubt Antifa will get the blame but when it comes down to it, I know who I'd want on my side against literal Nazis. Those willing to put themselves in harm's way against real fascists.
If this wasn't the USA but some 'backwater tinpot state' (hoho!) would the rioting even be an issue for complaint? Imagine somewhere else with a fascist president using his fascist police force to crackdown on freedom fighters whilst threatening to turn the army lose on them. Imagine people here saying "Well I'm sorry for them but they really need to stop burning and looting stuff and then their fascist president will listen to them."