Talking about "illiterate delroy", making sweeping generalisations by saying its his fault cos he cant be arsed to go to school, without looking at the social reasons behind that. Making frequent references to "fried chicken". Nah can't see anything racist myself This board is going downhill at a rate of knots at the moment, with people coming out with disgusting things like that. And then the bleating that "all lives matter"... christ almighty. I can't even be arsed with replying to tekkytyke, voting in our election when he doesnt even live here!!! That shouldn't even be allowed for a start- criticism mainly at the rules, not him.
I repeat I DId not vote. Still cretins like you seem to believe any citizen living abroad should be disenfranchised. Not very bright are you?
I said you were a Tory boy & you corrected me on that, I then asked you if you were a Tory, see that little ? at the end of the sentence. You are wrong not me. I take it you vote whatever is best for you then?
Fair enough. Not me but family living in UK. In all honesty most people put family before everyone else. Some claim to be altruistic and think of society but deep down people look after themselves and theirs.
I dont think it's just this board I touched on it on another thread but seeing people sharing pictures of lee Rigby's killers all over facebook "saying we didnt riot when a black person killed lee rigby" was pretty sad to see. Lee Rigby's mum has today issued a statement saying how upsetting it all is and asking people to stop sharing them.
Illiterate Delroy? Fried Chicken?. And you want me to apologise? This isn't faux outrage. As I've said before, my brother in law is black, and the stuff I've seen him endure over his life has been obscene. We don't go to away games any more because of the racists in our fan base. He's been called ****** before whilst I've stood next to him and had to console him. In away ends. By his own fans. To come on here and read this. It's 2020 for Christ sake. What are people even on about with fried ******* chicken. What's next? Want to start using bananas as an emoji? Maybe a wise crack about slavery? I'm not apologising to anyone on this subject. **** you.
Isn’t it strange how the ones shouting white lives and all lives matter voted to leave the EU. I’m sure there’s a point to be made but I can’t quite put my finger on it.....
To be honest there aren't many valid reasons for breaking the lockdown rules, but the disgusting stuff that's going on in the States is one. If I lived in London, I would have been there. There is no place for racism.
Wow them pubs need to open soon for you then you can have a pint and talk ***** in no7 instead of posting it on here.
Ah so im a cretin and thick Sorry i misread your post, I skimread it on a break, between providing cognitive behavioural therapy on the NHS, like most other thick cretins tend to do "Not very bright" people don't tend to get first class honours degrees, for starters. I still don't think you should be entitled to vote if you are permanently living overseas though and Im perfectly entitled to that opinion. Just as I am rightly not allowed to cast my vote in another district that I do not live, such as Barnsley or Huddersfield.
Not all people just Tory’s , the only gain by voting labour is to enrich society by spreading the wealth .
When did liking fried chicken become racist. Was it the same time as ordering Chinese food or are there connotations for ordering a curry? I think there is a difference between not being the most politically correct and being swayed by stereotypes and being a racist, xenophobic, Tory or scum.
I just thought it was ill thought out and not very pc. Maybe just the way I read it. I don't think the general gyst was racist. The delivery might av' been a bit in your face reading it back.
Thing is, if someone said a post of mine was racist, homophobic whatever and pointed out why I would temper the way I wrote it as I wouldn't want any reader of the board thinking something that I wasnt The fact he's not bothered about adjusting the way he writes despite having it pointed out to him suggests those calling him out could be right.