I was about to post that I couldn't believe that police officers would behave this way toward their fellow Americans. Then I remembered seeing the scenes from Orgreave.
After years of bombing the hell out of country after country it looks like the American empire is coming home to roost . Just think if this was filmed in Venezuela ? American leaders would be demanding immediate invasion .
Trump has just said: "Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, 'This is a great thing that's happening for our country. It's a great day for him, it's a great day for everybody. It's a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day." He's a f*cking moron. Sorry, I forgot to put for context that he was talking about unemployment figures falling. I know that doesn't change anything about what he said but I realised I forgot to include it.
The pillock is totally unhinged. We can live in hope, but it looks as though he has now sealed his own fate for the upcoming Presidential elections. The sooner he's ousted the better.
You would certainly think he would have lost the BAME vote over there. Fingers crossed he loses. Not convinced.
Its beyond belief that this racist evil misogynistic president keeps finding new lows to descend to its even more beyond belief that he keeps getting away with it good that the UK is doing all it can to **** off those nasty Europeans and sucking up to him to get a trade deal that will be far worse than any we had with the EU
Agreed, I'm finding this mildly therapeutic. https://www.punchdonald.com/?fbclid=IwAR2TEH6PawBlcfn39DqzQ6ep-XY1r33zldRTPem3hVpt8mBR6oDnKiEBYI0
Excellent news! 57 scum pig officers have left the unit (but not the force) in support of their fellow scum pig colleagues who were suspended for pushing the 75 old man over and leaving him in a critical condition. That's the level of fuckwittery they're dealing with when these noddies think assaulting old men is acceptable. Note: When a black officer was fired in the same force for trying to stop a white officer from choking a black man.... *crickets*
Ive been pretty scathing about UK police in the past. Probably unfairly in portraying them as all the same. I'm sure the majority who join the police in any country do so for valid and, in some cases, laudable reasons. That being said if you're a bit of a t**t who likes throwing his weight around under cover of a badge of authority then it's the obvious career choice. We see examples of excess of this type in the UK on a regular basis. In the US they've always seemed even worse for varying reasons but currently are operating under the nod of a President and his base who revel in the sight of them cracking heads. There's two sides to a lot of stories but the footage of police brutality in the US at the moment is sickening.
https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/11795934/katai-la-galaxy-wife-black-lives-matter/ That's opening up a can of worms getting shut of a player because of the actions of his wife.
You know youve got problems when a. You post tweets and links to cops abusing white people as evidence of their racism and b. You delight in talking about pigs. Pathetic. Undermines any true causes. And hijacking a man's death to push anti police messages is just completely twattish
I knew it wouldnt be long before the apologist turned up. Like I care what you think about pigs vs. police. If this was in China you'd not be batting an eyelid about my choice of words. Jog on. Here's some pigs removing a woman without id'ing themselves, no badge number on view, and taking her away in an unmarked police car. They might be police, but who knows. Edit: Just for clarity, again - it's quite possible to be both brutal and racist. One does not deny the possiblity of the other existing alongside it.