You can become a fake expert by falling for news, totally agree, or if you have a genuine interest in something you can read up on the actual facts and evidence and present an opinion. I took an interest as a regular Algarve visitor with young kids. I was horrified for them at first, then suspicious so have spent many years studying the case in order to form my opinion. Just that. 'My opinion'. I might be on the right track, I might be miles wide, but I'm not a sheep, that's for sure.
So many issues with the entire investigation. Sonia Poulton who is an independent journalist and stills does work for major mainstream outlets has done a lot of work into the case. The McCann's also had their own key for the local church. The McCann charity is also worth reading about.
That we dont know. Officially because they thought they'd be charged but given the weight of the British government backing I doubt that would have happened without a very watertight case.
That's another one of those scenarios that made me doubt things. You see she's not in her bed - you run in a blind (staged) panic back to the tapas bar to tell her mates instantly that "someones taken her"? She could have wondered to the kitchen or somewhere else in the appt? Could have gone for a wee? The 'someone' could have still been in the room? Why not check on your other two little mites? And if you did, why leave them whilst you go back (50+ yards) to the tapas bar? Their well being would have been my immediate, pressing concern. Did she know full well they were going to sleep through the commotion?
There were rumours/suggestions/allegations that the parents drugged the children so that they would sleep through their meal. A Calpol overdose was suggested in the NetFlix film about them.
Especially through shutters / window that had an 8 foot drop other side? (they later admitted to changing their statement on the shutter - again, all in the files).
You're just fuelling my conspiracy theories more. Why didn't friends of the Mccanns who saw a dodgy looking fella carrying a small girl in his arms just before say something? Like "Gerry there's a weird looking chap carrying a young girl that looks like your Maddy mate"?
calpol doesn't have a sedative effect, but hey, she was a GP, she would know what to give them to help them sleep. And boy did they sleep!
I think Jane Tanner's sighting is on a par with the Yorkshire Ripper hoax phone calls. Thrown the investigation off track big time. If it is this German that's guilty he looks nothing like the man she described ( although the descriptions did change over time)
Kate McCann and Fiona Payne both are professionallly qualified in the administration of anaesthetics.
What annoys me also is the level of public funds allocated to the investigation when the likes of Ben Needham's parents had very little. If if had been some kid off a council estate in Barnsley they definitely would not have had millions pumped into it.
What's your theory out of interest? You've obviously done a lot of reading on the case - what do you reckon?