I believe it helps for sure and if our country is still in a mess as we head towards autumn and winter we will probably be told to take a daily vitamin D tablet. But then the southern hemisphere are in their cold time now and the virus hasn't come back there yet. Most stats seem to be going in the right direction.......
It’s a shame the lad who tried to organise it has received threats. Although I disagree with holding it and wether the motives were genuine or to jump on the bandwagon he’s only a young man and no one should be subjected to that.
There’s no proof of that . I’m an ex miner and whilst I admit a few of my ex colleagues have right wing views on certain subjects , I would say not many of them would have voted Tory although I would say some would hsve voted UKIP/Brexit . I know these partys are more extreme than the Tory’s but looking at it from their point of view the Tory Brand would be historically too Toxic to vote for them
I don’t really understand what the rally is supposed to do apart from spread coronavirus. 1) it’s abundantly obvious that what this racist lovely person did is abhorrent 2) do you think that the Minnesota police give a hoodiddly about a rally in Barnsley 3) my wife and her colleagues are going to have to deal with the fall out from these ‘look at me’ rentamob law breakers
Femi (@Femi_Sorry) Tweeted: Just riding through Bournville and spotted two kids, Mary and Matthew, protesting outside the police station by themselves. Figured I'd give them a boost. (made them call their mum for permission first) #BlackLivesMattterUK https://t.co/qic03BaL8I Not just Barnsley folk . Some shameful comments on here.
Only a small part of the southern hemisphere has a cold time. If you're referring to Australia and New Zealand (low infection rates) then it's only really the bottom of Australia and the South island of new Zealand that experience cool winter's (not particularly cold one's). These are also low population areas. There doesn't appear to be much evidence that climate is a significant factor in stifling the virus. This is not influenza which we know is seasonal and is fuelled by cold winter's.
Not helped by the idiot in charge saying it's just flu. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrap...o-test-oxfords-covid-19-vaccine/#543f63673212 That's a really good news story. It's good we are sharing our trials with 2,000 health care workers, in a country that's really suffering right now. Let's hope it works.
There’s a time and a place for protests. Now is not it. Gatherings greater than 6 people are banned for a reason and just because they might be socially distanced protests, that’s not to say there won’t be any spread either during the protest or travelling to or from it. I agree with the cause, but I disagree with the protests, peaceful and socially distanced or otherwise.
I cant say better than Pontyender's post just above. There's still hundreds of people dying each day from covid 19, do their deaths not matter too?[/QUOTE] Did you see the protests in America a few weeks ago against lockdown measures complaining about their human rights? They put themselves and others at risk too. The most amusing interviewee was a guy with a shaved head talking about civil liberties and 'I need to get a haircut man, it's my right.' Dumb beyond belief
Well my daughter has decided to go, mask , placard and hand sanitizer in place. She's not working at the moment ( just done her last exam) so she wont be coming in contact with anyone but me and I'm furloughed and her siblings who are at home. Not much different to being in a park as far as I can see.
I really don't think large gatherings, however noble a cause they may be for, are a good idea at the moment. On the plus side, it should wind up a lot of racists so every cloud