How come Andy Mac from the BBS can piece together evidence but the Portuguese and British police can't? Some of the stuff is quite damning.
The Portugese police have boxes of evidence connected to the case that they wouldn't release the contents of despite the McCann's requesting it.
True - but it seems the attention the matter was receiving was unprecedented, and the government wanted to be seen to be doing their bit rather than leaving it up to the Portugese, who let's face it haven't covered themselves in glory over their activities.
They investigated the best they could given the constraints put on them by the British. As I ve said, they've got boxes full The incompetent Portugese police is very much a media invention. Another question.In every other investigation you look at all possible scenarios. The met police and operation Grange are only looking at abduction as a motive and being given millions of public funds to do so.
I just can’t wish that kind of suffering on someone unless they’re a proven nonce / murderer / terrorist etc. People further up in this thread have been questioning the money they’ve raised but for me they could’ve pocketed £10m & I still wouldn’t swap places with them. We’ve all been on lockdown these past 3 months but they’ve been on it ever since that day in 2007. They no longer have any quality of life. Everywhere they go they’re that couple. They walk in a shop, a restaurant, in a park & it’s all eyes on them. I bet they can’t even go abroad on holiday without been constantly stared at. They’re probably more recognisable than every English footballer except Kane & Sterling, that’s how well known they are. I can’t even begin to imagine how **** there life is.
My recollection of that period is that they were questioned by Leicester Social Services and Police at the time,about the allegation of doping. Gerry admitted they did in order for them to sleep as parents. He was cautioned but not charged,I believe a report was sent to the GMC,also,but no action taken. Although the Elite and the Media have protected the McCanns,the view of the UKs Police is somewhat different. A independent investigation by the National Murder Team ,came to a similar conclusion as the Portuguese police. Without a body,or one of the group changing their evidence,there will not be a conclusion. The person in Germany sounds too good to be true. Interesting that the German police view it as a murder inquiry.
That theory also suggests that all of the group were in on it & that none of the staff would’ve noticed her not been around all day
They have kept themselves in the public eye though. But I do agree that no money on earth can make up for a normal feeling parent who loses their child. However, throughout the world there are parents who dont love their children in the way you and I do.
The crucial time is immediately after the report of the abduction. There'd be no real constraints coming from "the British" at that time. If at all. There was always the possibility that the child wandered off on her own, and thus was not abducted. I would be narked if millions were being spent on investigating whether the McCanns killed their child and disposed of the body, because it patently obviously did not happen.
She was 'signed in' on the day by Kate McCANN (scribbled). Yet Kate McCann was one of those women who continued to sign everything even after marriage as her maiden name (Kate Healey).
The macanns ignored the early advice of the police. They had all and sundry traipsing through a very small apartment on the night. They got in contact with the papers themselves. And yes, public money should have been spent on all scenarios, nothing should have been ruled out, and given what some people are saying and thinking if it were me I'd want to be " ruled out " asap.
He and the FCO were certainly on the case early, and he left said job at UK Gov to be McCanns self appointed spokesman. He is also the man that stated there would be no one year memorial or anything, but something certainly would happen on the 5th or 10th anniversary (did he know in week one we would be having a 5 or 10 year anniversary?
They changed lots of things in their statements. The 'jemmying of the shutters' and the back door been locked / unlocked being the most telling. Bearing in mind the whole lot of them sat around at the tapas bar in the hours the whole village was looking and scribbled their story down on a page of Maddy's colouring book, looks a tad suspicious.
So you've never signed anything trivial for a friend knowing that the person on the other end is just looking for a tick in the box. All I'm saying is I hope there's never a murder investigation with evidence based around the signatures alongside collection of season tickets from Barnsley FC box office.
it's an interesting one and would need a staged scene the night or two after. However ludicrous it sounds, I refer the honourable gentleman to google "Madeleine way back machine". Quite a theory, but plausible.
I wouldnt say signing your name to say you've left your kid with someone is trivial. Bit of a bizarre viewpoint you have there.
It was reported in the Guardian in September 2007 (4 months after her death) that Mitchell had left his govt. job and would now be the McCann's spokesman. I think you'll struggle to find corroboration for him being the McCann's spokesman one day after Madeleine's death. And if one assertion falls down, it immediately weakens all the others made.