Bugbear of mine having parents refer to looking after their own kids as "babysitting "! You did the right thing leaving the room though. I remember crying with with my first when she was crying non stop, the cat had peed in the moses basket and I'd gone through goodness knows how many nappies and changes of clothes. But I loved looking after my babies really!
Yes I do. Feeling remorseful for what you've done isn't an adequate punishment imo. Right from the beginning they lied to cover their tracks. More interested in protecting their image and covering for leaving infants alone than they were about giving correct information in the search for their child. They actively blocked the investigation and tried their best to stop information from being gathered. Be under no illusion that this pair cared more about themselves than they did finding their child. So have they been punished enough? Not nearly. There are three victims here. Maddie and her siblings. The parents lose their rights to be victims when they do their best to stop their child being found
My thoughts are with the parents on this latest revelation . Not in the way they did what they did. But Yes they’ll never forgive themselves. For leaving the kids on their own . Rightly so. terrible judgement But if a result comes from this latest investigation and the man is found to have committed the crime. It will at least remove the suspicion of having killed Madeleine. The weight of leaving her alone will always be with em. At the mo. people are accusing em of both. Maybe still the case. But they are the only ones that know 100%.
Maddie was reported missing on 3rd May. Clarence Mitchell was in Portugal working with the McCanns on 22nd May. Although Clarence Mitchell's timeline of his involvement is as nonsensical as the McCanns version of events. He has said in an official witness statement that he was in Portugal from 22nd May to the middle of June. He also claims that the first time he met Gerry McCann was at the end of may in ENGLAND. That's a good trick for someone who was in Portugal
Best case scenario? How long they'd left their infant children alone. That they had drugged them. That they wasn't checking on them as regularly as they wanted people to believe. That they gave a **** about their children.
is that the best you can do for aconspiracy? It was stated as fact on here, further back on this thread, that Mitchell was working for the McCanns the day after Madeleine died. Wrong. He was there from mid/late May in another capacity - Governmental. You think that he says he met Gerry McCann in England (which is possible due to the invention of aviation) is some kind of crucial evidence? Who gives a **** where he met him?
Where did I say it was crucial evidence? I simply corrected the fact and gave the exact date that he arrived in Portugal whilst pointing out the inconsistency in his witness statements. It's upto you what conclusion you draw from those inconsistencies
As they've not been in court there can be no proven lies. There are however a lot of false statements and quotes attributed to the parents and friends. Has the shelf above Maddie's bed been found yet for example?
As I said, it's up to you to draw your own conclusions. If someone is in Portugal continually from May 22nd to the middle of June would you agree it's impossible to be in England at the end of may meeting Gerry McCann for the first time?
So you have no instances at all of them lying? Boris Johnson hasn't been condemned for perjury but we all know he's told lies. You tell me of something that hey have said, and quote it, which someone else has proved to be a lie.